Chapter 20

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The sight I am welcomed with upon my arrival is truly terrifying. Obi Wan is sitting against a wall, unconscious with deep cuts to his shoulder and thigh. Anakin is lying on the ground in agony, his right arm completely missing from the elbow down. This explains the pain I was feeling just moments earlier.

The anger boiling inside me for the one responsible is unbearable. The hot, burning feeling inside of me was desperate to cause harm. It threatened to destroy me. To go against every moral I had. I felt my sense of justice corrupting at the hands of my emotions. The simple term 'anger' was not enough to describe what I was feeling. The word barely even touched the tip of the iceberg of emotions rushing through me.

I have to mentally remind myself that rage is not the way of the Jedi. Fighting with such feelings is a path to the dark side. I swallow down the burning flame and focus on what I'm meant to be doing. Bringing peace to the galaxy.

Count Dooku lifts his lightsaber to draw a fatal blow to Anakin.

Not on my watch.

 I ignite my back-up lightsaber and clash it against Dooku's. The old man didn't sense my presence, it seems.

"Ah, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), another insignificant Padawan learner." He scoffs.

"Count Dooku, another worthless Sith." I counter.

It may not be the smartest idea to increase his anger but I needed to get to his head. There was no possible way for a Padawan to beat a highly trained Sith, even with my amplified powers. 

He breaks away from the lock of our lightsabers and twirls his blood red one in his hand. His attempt to intimidate me failed. I do not lower my guard.

A regular Padawan would be terrified of facing a Sith Lord as I am. However, all I care about is saving Anakin. The fight to come will be all for him. My level of care for the line between Jedi and Sith was slowly fading as I remembered the state of my love. If I lose, so does he. 

He clashes his curved hilt lightsaber against the unfamiliar one I possess. He is strong. Far stronger than I would ever give him credit for. However I am strong too in the presence of Anakin.

"You will die, my dear, just as these two Jedi will." He smirks evilly.

"I don't think so." I say aggressively before launching myself back at the Count.

I focus all of my strength into a swing aimed at the Sith. For the most part, he had been striking aggressively while I defended myself from the attacks. I keep the thought of Anakin at the centre of my mind through this. If I die, he dies with me.

"For an all-powerful Sith Lord, you're sure struggling to beat a Padawan." I attempt to get into his head.

"I'm simply going easy on you." He replies, not faltering for a second.

This was going to be harder than I thought. I remained steady with my attacks, managing to strike faster than the Sith despite the deep wounds covering my front. He was far more powerful than I, but he was becoming weaker with his increasing age.

Our lightsabers clash again. A perfect mix of green and red. Light and dark. Jedi and Sith. I have to admit, the spectacle would be far more cinematic if I still possessed my regular, blue saber.

"You are reckless, just like Skywalker." He rolls his cold eyes.

"I'm sure many would agree with you." I say without lowering my defence.

"It's a shame really. The Chosen One has so much wasted potential. Once I'm finished with you, he will be the first to die." His venom-laced voice threatens, no, promises.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now