Chapter 90

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After an hour has passed since Anakin's departure, I decide it's time for me to do something with my day. Life is a little more difficult for me right now than I ever intended it to be, but that doesn't mean I should be doing nothing. After all, the galaxy is still at war.

I have no mission today, nor do I have any Padawans to train. With my schedule relatively clear, I can do pretty much anything I want to.

There is one thing that I have not been focused on lately, and that is the Rebellion developing within the Senate. It's been a while since I've seen Padme, and even longer since I've spoken to Bail Organa.

Given that Anakin will likely need to go to the Senate building after the meeting in the war room, the safest way for me to contact Bail is via holo-transmission. I can't risk Anakin sensing my presence at the Senate Building. If he did, the secret of the Rebellion would be out.

I take out my small, hand-held holopad and begin a transmission to Bail Organa. I understand that he is a busy man and likely will not answer, but I know I owe it to myself, and to him, to try.

Much to my surprise, the figure of Bail Organa appears as a hologram.

"General (Y/L/N)," He greets me.

"Senator Organa," I reply. "I hope this isn't a bad time."

Given his seemingly relaxed demeanour, it is safe to assume that I am not interrupting anything important. If anything, he seems happy to see me.

"What can I help you with?" He inquires.

"Have there been any developments in the case against the Chancellor?" I ask.

Anakin's growing allegiance to the Chancellor is making me more eager to know the progress of his downfall. When the weight of Sheev Palpatine's crimes comes crashing down, I want my husband as far away from it as possible.

"I'm afraid not, but it is only a matter of time. The Chancellor may think he has control of the Senate already, but we will not concede without a fight," He replies.

Put simply, I don't like politicians. Too much of the time, I believe they place their personal needs over what is in the best interest of the people. Even if they start as good and noble, they eventually seem to fall down the same path as all others.

That, however, is not the case with Bail Organa. He is a good man, and despite the odds being strongly against him and the Rebellion, he is continuing to fight. He and Padme Amidala are the only politicians I trust.

"The Jedi Council seems to be growing more suspicious of the Chancellor's power," I report, believing it to be news he would like to hear.

"Unfortunately, a certain Jedi's allegiance seems to be growing," A female's voice adds.

I am all too familiar with this voice. It belongs to one of the people I care for most in the galaxy. One who always has my back, no matter what.

"Padme?" I ask, hoping my suspicion is correct.

She steps into the frame with Bail, thus appearing as a hologram beside him. Her added presence is certainly welcome.

"Hi, (Y/N)," She says happily.

It only hits me now that the Jedi she was referring to is Anakin. As far as I know, every other Jedi shares the views of the Council. Anakin, however, is only growing closer to the Chancellor as a result of his new advisor role.

"I will admit that Anakin's allegiance to the Chancellor is growing stronger," I confess. "That being said, his views could change rather quickly once he sees that those he cares about are against the man."

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