Chapter 87

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Obi-Wan moves past me and takes a seat on the edge of my bed. Given the scarcity of my quarters, there isn't exactly any room for a small couch or even a couple of chairs. If anyone ever wants to have a conversation here, the bed is really the only place to sit.

"Have you spoken to Anakin much lately? As in, since we rescued the Chancellor from General Grievous and before the meeting today," Obi-Wan questions.

I'm always talking to Anakin. Obi-Wan probably suspects as much, but I can't necessarily confirm it to him. If I choose to do that, I will also be giving away our relationship.

"He stopped by yesterday, in the afternoon," I answer, "As for the meeting, it could have gone better."

It's not a lie that he stopped by at that time; I'm just leaving out a few unimportant details. After he stopped by, we both went to his quarters and engaged in...other activities. Obi-Wan doesn't need to know that.

"I know," He agrees. "Anakin has wanted to be on the Council for a long time, and he deserves it. He is impatient, strong-willed, and incredibly opinionated, but he is truly gifted."

"You forgot arrogant, impulsive, and reckless," I add.

We laugh together at Anakin's expense. We both love him in our own ways and would do anything for him, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little bit of a joke about him every so often.

"In all seriousness, you share many of those gifts, (Y/N). Your bravery, leadership, and good heart make you a strong Jedi. Had you joined the Council, you would have also deserved it."

His words tug at my heartstrings. I appreciate him applauding my personality traits, yes, but I'm also a little saddened to remember that I won't ever actually make it onto the Council. Anakin and I will have to leave long before then.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan," I respond, careful not to reveal my sombre feelings.

Whether it be my friendship with Obi-Wan or my strength in the Force, I know he is here for a different reason to what he is letting on. There's something on his mind; something he is reluctant to bring up.

"You're not here to talk about Anakin's seat on the Council, are you?" I investigate, my eyebrow raised in thought.

"You're very perceptive, even for a Jedi of your level," He says.

"Maybe," I agree," but you're also not great at hiding your feelings."

Obi-Wan has seemed anxious since the moment I opened the door. Fear of that magnitude is not as a result of a slightly awkward Council meeting. It's from something continuously racing around in his mind.

"It's Anakin. He's becoming moody and detached. I understand that he's been put in a difficult position as the Chancellor's representative but I think it's more than that. I was hoping he may have talked to you about it," Obi-Wan explains.

I have noticed that Anakin's feelings have been mixed based on who he is around. When he's with me, he is initially sorrowful as he is reminded of our vision, but he moves past those emotions and remembers how lucky we are. With others, he has become sullen and moody. It's the stress of the situation we're in, and the problem is, nobody else knows the mental torment he is dealing with.

"Anakin and I are close friends, yes, but why would he talk to me about the Chancellor?" I ask.

Obi-Wan studies me; really studies me. His eyes search my own until it feels like he is gazing directly into my soul. He knows something, and he wants me to admit it so he doesn't have to say it himself.

"Let's just say that neither of you is very good at hiding your feelings either," He replies.

There are many ways I can interpret this statement. He could be referring to Anakin's often quick-tempered approach to battles or my obvious distaste for Chancellor Palpatine. The most likely explanation, however, is that he knows about the love Anakin and I share.

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