Chapter 59

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I roam around the palace for hours on end without finding Anakin or the others. I don't have the slightest idea where they all are, or if they're even on the planet. For some reason, Anakin's force signature feels strangely weak.

Feeling hopeless, I collapse against a nearby wall and allow myself to fall to the ground. I take off the disgusting, Zygerrian helmet and toss it away from me. I rest my now exposed face in my hands, trying to work out what to do now.

Just when all hope seems lost, familiar, excited beeping catches my attention. The joy that rushes through me upon visually confirming the source is overwhelming.

"Artoo!" I beam.

I crouch to the ground and place a hand on him once he reaches me. I have grown very attached to this little astromech. He and I have been through a lot together.

He begins to beep about Anakin and gives me the news I have desperately wanted to hear for hours now.

"You know where Anakin is?" I repeat.

He begins to whirr excitedly before taking off back in the direction he came. Artoo is a smart and trustworthy droid. By his eager attitude, I can tell he knows exactly where to go.

Artoo leads me down various corridors and past more guards than I am comfortable with. Normally, I would feel uneasy about being led through dangerous territory by a droid. That, however, does not apply to Artoo. I trust him with my life.

After a sufficient distance has been covered, we make it outside to what appears to be a courtyard. Sure enough, Anakin and the Queen are walking up ahead just a little.

"Artoo!" I whisper-shout.

He turns around and quickly comes back to me. We hide ourselves slightly behind the safety of a nearby wall as I carefully watch what is unfolding. At this stage, it appears the Queen is simply talking to Anakin.

The man who I have learned is her Advisor rushes over. By the haste in his movements, there must be something big happening. I urge for Artoo to remain silent while I listen in on their conversation from afar.

"My Queen, I bring word. Count Dooku is on his way here." He says.

She sighs. "Sooner than anticipated. Make preparations for his arrival."

The guard hurries off, only there seems to be something more behind his actions. He doesn't appear to be worried, but intrigued.

"So even you have a master." Anakin smirks.

"Dooku is not my master." She assures herself. "Perhaps you should not attend this meeting. Can I trust you not to run away?"

She extends her hand, gesturing for Anakin to hand her his lightsaber. He grabs the hilt in his hand and holds it close to her neck.

"I don't run away from anything, Your Highness."

The two guards cock their guns behind his head. He has no choice but to submit. She takes the hilt from his hand with an arrogant smirk before walking away. The problem is, the guards don't back off. One whacks him behind the head with his gun. That's when I've had enough.

"You ready, buddy?" I ask Artoo.

He beeps excitedly in response.

Artoo rolls forward until he reaches the guards. He repeatedly bumps into the backs of their legs until they are forced to turn around.

"Get off, ya miserable tin can!" One says.

I step out from behind the wall and extend both hands. The two guards are lifted off the ground as they gasp for air. I pull my arms inward slightly before extending them again with full force. The two are sent flying off the balcony and are thrown a great distance through the air. They won't be bothering us, or anyone else, again.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now