Chapter 84

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I have nothing to do, not for a while at least. The outcome of Anakin's meeting with the Council will determine what happens next with the war. Things could either be over before we know it or battles could be dragged on indefinitely. The fear of the unknown is overwhelming.

For now, I feel like I need to talk to someone who understands me and the seriousness of corruption in the Senate. I can't talk to any Jedi for now, and there's only really one other person I trust enough. That person, of course, is Padme Amidala.

I contacted her not long after Anakin and Obi-Wan entered the Council Chamber, and she said she was more than happy for me to come over. As soon as I was given the go-ahead, I started on my way to her apartment.

She is a respected member of the Galactic Senate, and if there's any sign of corruption, she will certainly know about it. More than that, Padme will likely be acting to overcome it. If I have any chance of helping to expose Chancellor Palpatine, I can guarantee Padme will be part of the solution.

I knock loudly against the door to her apartment in the Senate Building and wait patiently for her to come to the door. Given the fact that she is prepared for my arrival, I doubt she will be too long.

"Padme," I say when she opens the door.

A wide smile appears on her face. It's not so much that she's happy to see me here, but rather she's glad to see that the babies and I are well.

"I'm liking these regular visits," She replies. "Please, come in."

I move past her and go into her apartment. I've been here enough times to know where we'll go to talk; the luxurious lounge beside her view of Coruscant.

"How are the babies?" She asks.

"They're good. Not much has changed since you asked me about them yesterday," I laugh.

Since finding out I am pregnant only a few days ago, Padme has checked in many, many times. She loves Anakin and me, and her care for us during this time only reflects that more. She wants to know we are all okay, and if we need anything, she will undoubtedly help us out.

"Well as their Aunty Padme, I am obligated to check on them regularly," She replies.

Our family will likely grow together on Naboo, which means we will still get to see Padme regularly. I don't doubt that she will visit us whenever she's on her home planet, and act as a great mentor for our children.

While I would love to talk about my children and the future of my family, I came here for a different reason. I'm here about the Chancellor. The problem is, I'm struggling to reveal the truth behind my feelings.

The second I reveal my growing distrust of the Chancellor, I will essentially be pushing myself further from Anakin. That's the last thing I want right now, but it looks like it is exactly what needs to happen.

"You're holding something back," Padme points out.

Padme and I are very close and we have been for three years now. She can tell how I'm feeling long before I admit it to her.

"You should've been a Jedi, Padme," I reply.

She laughs a little at my comment. The thing is, I wasn't necessarily joking. She is incredibly perceptive, and I wouldn't be shocked if she had a connection to the Force.

"What is your allegiance to Chancellor Palpatine?" I ask.

"Strong, of course. He's the leader of our democracy," She replies without even giving herself time to think about her response.

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