Chapter 72

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After meeting Rex at the hangar as planned, we take a ship to the coordinates Fives gave us. These coordinates happen to be in the lower levels of Coruscant. I've only had a few visits to these lower levels, and none have been pleasant trips. There's always something that goes horribly wrong. This is a trend I hope to break during this visit.

Upon reaching level 18, the location Fives gave us, we depart the comfort of our shuttle. I instantly have a bad feeling about what is to come, but I push it aside. I need to remain focused.

"Well, these are the coordinates Fives gave you. Let's hope he's inside." Anakin says.

"I hope he knows what he's doing." Rex sighs.

Nobody is giving Fives a fair chance. He's a good soldier and a good man and he deserves to be treated like it. Everyone just seems to be brushing him off as a crazy person.

"Stop doubting him. This is Fives we're talking about." I state.

We pass through the large, steel doors to enter the area he wishes to meet us in, knowing there's no turning back now. Inside are boxes and supplies among various other pieces of equipment. Given the strange items scattered throughout, I can assume it is a warehouse.

The space is seemingly massive, and to make matters worse, there is very little light inside. We're already tense enough without needing to worry about what is occurring within the surrounding shadows.

Anakin suddenly ignites his lightsaber, thus illuminating the area with its blue blade. This move would normally be seen as highly beneficial, but I know there's more to his choice.

"What are you doing?" I question, trying my hardest to determine what his ulterior motive could be.

"Relax, it's just so we can see where we're going." He replies.

Although he answers with confidence, I'm not sure I can believe his words. I want to believe him, but I need to be cautious with Fives's safety on the line. I don't want Anakin to make a rash decision.

We walk through the dark, led simply by the light of Anakin's blue blade. I begin to grow anxious about what has happened to my friend in the time that he has been missing, and decide there's only one way to progress from here.

"Fives?" I call. "We're here. It's only the three of us."

"Come on out. We just want to talk to you." Anakin adds.

I can feel his presence here, but I don't know where he is. He is, however, close enough for me to sense his emotions. He is anxious, and he is terrified.

"Generals." Fives's voice echoes from across the building. "Thank you. Thank you for trusting me. Now have you come without troops?"

I would never do anything to endanger Fives or anyone I love for that matter. If we brought other troopers with us, we would be endangering his life. Nothing could make me do that to him.

"Of course," I reply. "You can trust me, Fives, you know that."

Anakin and Rex stand defensively around me, as though they are trying to protect me from a threat. I don't know why they're doing this. Fives wouldn't try to hurt me, and if he did, I certainly wouldn't need protecting.

"Put down your weapons, then." Fives urges.

"I don't think so, Fives," Anakin replies.

Fives isn't the enemy, so I don't understand why they are acting like he is. If we put our weapons down and cooperate, things will go smoothly. I wish Anakin and Rex understood that.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now