Chapter 41

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My eyes slowly flutter open and I find that I had seemingly blacked out prior to our landing. I groan in pain as I try to lift my already sore head. I glance over to Anakin to see he is also just regaining consciousness. If we were both unconscious, how did we land so well?

"(Y/N)?" Anakin asks as he sits back up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Anakin." I reply. "Did you land the shuttle?"

"No, I thought you did." He says.

I turn my head around to look for Obi Wan, Cal, and Ahsoka. They are all in the same state as us. That tells me there's no way any of them could have landed.

"Where are we?" Cal asks groggily.

In the midst of our panic, we neglected to notice where we are. I observe the land surrounding us. It's all green and lively. The feeling of this place is unusual to say the least, even from within the shuttle.

"It's some kind of organic mass." Ahsoka announces after checking the scanners.

"Well all of our readings indicate that it's larger than an asteroid." Cal adds. "The air is breathable though, so that's a good sign."

"This is getting more unusual by the minute. I can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are or if we are even in our own galaxy." Obi Wan contributes.

I press a few buttons to check the ship's systems. Somehow, they are all fine but refusing to operate.

"The ship's systems are all operational, but something's blocking them from working." I say.

Ahsoka and Cal walk to the back of the ship, where they activate the ramp. We all forward out of the ship behind them. Obi Wan takes out his macrobinoculars and scans our surroundings.

"Hey!" Ahsoka calls. "I saw something. A reflection up on the hill."

Obi Wan steps forward with his macrobinoculars and checks where she is pointing.

"I don't see anything." He says.

Before us is a mountainous landscape with floating boulders. It is stranger than anything else I have ever seen, yet it is a beautiful sight. 

"Are you the One?" A woman's voice says.

I turn my head in the direction of the sound only to realise there is no one there.

"Wh-what?" Anakin stutters. "Did any of you hear that?"

"I didn't hear anything." Obi Wan replies.

"I did." I say through our connection.

Anakin looks at me with a worried expression. How is it that only we can hear this? There must be something more at play.

"Are you the One?" The voice says again, only louder this time.

We turn around to see a woman standing before us who wasn't there previously. She is glowing...literally glowing. Her hair is long, wavy and green, the same colour as her eyes. She has incredibly pale, almost white skin, beneath her cream and gold dress. She is as graceful as they come.

Cal, Ahsoka, and Obi Wan rush to our sides upon noticing the woman.

"Hello." Obi Wan greets her.

"Who are you?" Anakin asks, placing his hands on his hips.

"I am Daughter." She introduces herself. "Are you the One?"

This so-called Daughter is clearly referring to Anakin when she says this. Her eyes do not leave his to acknowledge the rest of us. Something about her mannerisms makes me feel uneasy.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now