Chapter 60

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Since Anakin and I boarded the ship with Cal and Ahsoka, we have changed into our regular clothing, disposed of the Queen's body, and set our course to Kadavo. The only task left for us to complete before we get there is contacting the Council.

We leave the task of piloting with Artoo and our Padawan's while we make our way back to the cargo hold. Anakin takes out his holopad and activates the line to the Council.

"Skywalker, (Y/L/N), how is your mission progressing?" Master Windu asks.

"We've encountered a few slight complications." I say, rubbing the nape of my neck in the process.

Master Windu chooses not to speak, instead raising an eyebrow at me. The gesture indicates that he wishes to know more about what happened.

"Everything was going as planned until Obi Wan was captured. This revelation sprung on us unexpectedly, and we agreed that the only way to help him was to blow our cover. Unfortunately, that didn't go as expected." Anakin explains. "If it weren't for (Y/N)'s quick thinking, we wouldn't have gotten out of there."

"You are becoming a wise Jedi, young (Y/L/N). Master Ti would be very proud of your progress."

There's something strange about Master Windu's expression. It almost seems like he, personally, is proud of my progress.

"Thank you, Master Windu." I say, bowing my head slightly. "We are en route to the Kadavo system and will require reinforcements. The Queen said that's where the slaves were being kept."

I choose to leave out the details about Count Dooku's surprise appearance and the Queen's death. It may not be the smartest decision, but that is a conversation I do not feel like having.

"We will send reinforcements your way immediately." Master Windu assures us. "May the Force be with you both."

With that, he ends the transmission. Now we simply have to hope that everything goes as planned from here. Obi Wan always says there's no such thing as luck, but that may be exactly what we need right now.

"You're thinking about something." Anakin accuses.

"Aren't I always?" I smirk, hiding my true feelings.

He places a gentle hand on my upper arm, sending waves of warmth throughout my body. My love for him is immeasurable.

"This is going to work, (Y/N)." He assures me.

I quickly glance at the door separating us from Cal and Ahsoka. Upon seeing that it is still closed, I briefly press my lips against my husband's.

"I know it will." I pause. "I know because you and I can achieve anything together."

He smiles his perfect smile before pulling my body closer to his. Instead of kissing me like I was expecting him to, he simply engulfs me in a tight hug.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too, Ani."

We spend a few moments staring longingly into each other's eyes before I finally remind myself of the task at hand. I have the rest of my life to spend with my soulmate, so devoting a little time to a very important mission doesn't seem like a big ask.

Anakin and I make our way back to Cal, Ahsoka, and Artoo at the front of the ship. During our remaining flight time, we received a transmission from Master Plo, who will be leading the reinforcements. We went over the plan in great detail to ensure we are all fully aware of what to expect.

After what seems to be a short amount of time, Anakin and I bring the ship out of hyperspace to reveal the planet we have been looking for. Kadavo. We lower the ship into the atmosphere much faster than what is probably desired and land with even more haste.

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