Chapter 40

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The Halls of Healing at the Jedi Temple are not the most entertaining place to be. After my slight accident on our previous mission, both Anakin and Obi Wan insisted that I go there for a check up.

A simple check up has turned into three days under close monitoring in the Halls of Healing. 

The damage caused by Savage elbowing me in the face was minimal aside from some heavy bruising and a slight cut across my cheekbone. The fall, surprisingly, did not leave me with long term injuries, only a slight head trauma. The healers wanted to keep me here for a while to make sure I didn't do anything to disrupt the healing. 

Anakin has spent the best part of three days here with me, making sure I am alright. I assured him many times that I am fine, but he still chose to stay. We spent the days discussing mindless things to keep my attention away from the pain I was in. The only times he really left me alone were to train Cal and Ahsoka or sleep. If I hadn't protested it so heavily, he probably would have slept in the Halls of Healing too.

At one stage, Anakin did leave to see the Chancellor in regard to my condition. Apparently he had been very worried about me and was eager to hear how I was going. I'm lucky to have a mentor figure in my life who cares about me as much as he does. No matter what happens, I can always rely on him.

Cal, Ahsoka, Obi Wan, and Padme have also come to check in occasionally, Cal more than the others. He and Ahsoka have tried to argue that I wouldn't have been injured in the first place had we taken them on the mission to Dathomir. 

I have appreciated Padme's visits the most. She's a busy Senator and I rarely get to see her nowadays. Knowing that she took time out of her busy schedule to see me reminded me of how good of a friend she is. She is, after all, the only person who knows everything about Anakin and I.

Thanks to the quick healing processes offered at the Temple, I am finally allowed to leave and get back to my life as a Jedi Knight. My head trauma is completely healed and the bruising on my face is mostly gone. The healers said I will always have a slight scar on my cheekbone from the cut I received, but I can live with that.

It is still the early hours of the morning, so my plan is to sneak into Anakin's quarters. Knowing him, he will already be awake and tinkering with something on his workbench. That is the general thing he does when he has nothing else to do.

I pass through the halls of the Temple until I reach Anakin's secluded quarters. I use the force to open the door, where Anakin, as predicted, is working at his bench. He is only wearing his Jedi trousers, completely lacking any clothing on his top half. His perfectly chiseled torso catches my attention and I can't help but stare.

"It's rude to stare, you know." Anakin smirks as he turns to face me.

"It's hard not to stare." I say honestly.

He quickly approaches me and engulfs me in a tight hug which I gladly return. Being able to love him freely like this is something I have missed dearly, even if it's only been a few days since I last held him in my embrace. Our love means more to me than anything in the entire galaxy.

Anakin unexpectedly picks me up and carries me bridal style to our bed. He puts me down gently and lays on top of me before beginning to kiss me deeply.

"I've...missed...this." He says between kisses.

I pull him closer to my body as we deepen the kisses. My hands travel to his hair, which is now growing out to create an incredibly handsome look. I'm very glad I talked him into letting it grow.

What would be a perfect moment is interrupted when Anakin's holopad starts buzzing. He groans as he moves off me and grabs it from his bedside table

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