Chapter 85

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It doesn't take long for us to reach the destination for our meeting with Obi-Wan. I can't say I'm excited about it, but I'm sure things will run more smoothly than I am anticipating.

"You brought (Y/N), thank the Force!" Obi-Wan exclaims.

"Hilarious," Anakin replies.

"Yeah, why did I need to be here?" I ask.

I agreed to come along to their debriefing, if that's what this is, simply because it is what Obi-Wan wanted. I can gather that my presence was wanted due to Anakin's habits of listening to me over him, yet I don't quite understand what will be happening.

"It'll become clear very soon," Obi-Wan remarks with an expression of exhaustion.

Obi-Wan seems tense, which immediately gives me a bad feeling. His request for my presence was intimidating enough, but now my worry is increasing.

"Anakin, how are you feeling about your appointment onto the Council?" Obi-Wan asks.

I groan slightly upon hearing this question, prompting the two of them to look at me in confusion. I don't like where this is going, and I like the fact that I must intervene even less so.

"It's insulting, Obi-Wan. There has never been a Council member who was also denied the rank of Master," Anakin argues.

I do, to some degree, understand his point of view. Having him stand in front of the entire Jedi Council only to be denied the rank of Master would have been humiliating. Given Anakin's usually inflated ego, I doubt he will easily forget what happened.

"Calm down, Anakin. To be on the Council at your age...well it's never happened before. It's a great honour," Obi-Wan replies.

"That's what I said," I remark, although I will admit I did not intend to say it aloud.

Obi-Wan gives me an appreciative glance while Anakin shoots me a playful glare. I know he's a little annoyed that I'm not necessarily backing him right now, but he can't find it in himself to be properly mad at me.

"If it's such a great honour, then why am I not a Master?" Anakin asks.

"Listen to me, Anakin. The fact of the matter is you're too close to the Chancellor," Obi-Wan states.

That isn't fair. Anakin has proven countless times that he is loyal to the values of the Republic. If their only reason for denying him the rank of Master is his friendship with Chancellor Palpatine, then the Order is truly lost. They are allowing fear to cloud their judgement, something they have sworn not to do.

"In Anakin's defence, he didn't ask to be put on the Council," I counter.

"But it's still what he wanted," Obi-Wan replies before shifting his gaze to my husband. "Anakin, your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine seems to have paid off."

I was okay with acting as a moderator in this discussion to ensure we reached a good outcome. That willingness is quickly fading. As Anakin's wife, I can't stand here and listen while Obi-Wan throws unfair criticism in his direction

"That has nothing to do with it. The Chancellor asked both of us, Obi-Wan. I was there when it happened. Anakin didn't use his friendship with the man for a personal gain," I argue.

"Regardless of how it happened, you both find yourself in a delicate situation. You less so, (Y/N), for declining his offer," Obi-Wan explains. "I warned you of the tension between the Council and the Chancellor, yet you managed to walk right into it."

This isn't a fair statement. As the man who trained Anakin as a Padawan, he should be more understanding of his difficulty with attachments. Putting things so bluntly won't help anyone. Anakin shouldn't be led to believe that he deserves to be punished for remaining loyal to the ones he cares for.

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