Chapter 61

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The Clone War has become much, much more complicated as of late. I thought the threats of Count Dooku and an endless fleet of battle droids was as bad as it could get. Clearly I was very, very wrong.

Darth Maul is alive.

Obi Wan was believed to have killed him many years ago during the battle of Naboo. He cut the Sith's body in half and sent him plummeting down an endless chasm, yet he survived. His hatred for Obi Wan is what kept his mind alive all of those years, turning him into a creature consumed by his own rage.

If it weren't for the unexpected help of Asajj Ventress, Obi Wan would have already died at the hands of Maul on a solo mission not so long ago. I never thought I would be grateful for that hairless harpy, yet here we are. 

The latest matter to come to light is the takeover of Mandalore. Duchess Satine lost control of it a few rotations ago due to the influences of the Death Watch and crime syndicates. She sent a distress transmission to Obi Wan, begging for help. Unfortunately, due to the neutrality of Mandalore, there was nothing the Jedi could do as they would not have the Senate's approval.

Obi Wan, who absolutely is in love with Satine, came to Anakin and I for advice following the news. We, of course, encouraged him to go save his girlfriend, even though he would never admit that's what she is to him. We couldn't let him sit by and follow orders while she was in danger. That wouldn't have been right.

Despite arguing that he would be far better off if Anakin and I aided him on the mission, Obi Wan refused to let us go. It's not that he is worried about getting us into trouble with the Council for that happens enough as it is, but rather that he would prefer to do it on his own. It's not that he doesn't trust us, we know he does. He just felt more comfortable dealing with it alone as he would have more control over the outcome. I understand where he is coming from with this. If Anakin were in danger, I wouldn't want anyone to help me simply because of the lengths I would go to to protect him. I wouldn't want to endanger anyone else.

To compensate for the fact that we would not be going with him, Anakin offered him a ship that was, to quote my husband, "perfectly fine". I have flown that ship with him before and know for a fact that it will fall apart as soon as it lands, however it was the only hope Obi Wan has of getting to Satine in time.

He's been off world for a few rotations now and we are yet to hear anything from him. I'm assuming this means everything is alright, otherwise he surely would have contacted us for reinforcements. Hopefully he will be arriving back in Coruscant soon with some good news. 

My darling husband has a meeting with the Chancellor this morning, so I am taking the opportunity to work with Cal on something of great importance; his psychometry.

As this ability is often misinterpreted by the Jedi Council, I have taken it upon myself to teach Cal how to control it in secret. The only other person who knows of his ability is Anakin, and he has been more than willing to help where he can.

The problem with the Council is that they view psychometry as corrupting due to the emotional vulnerability to the dark side that supposedly comes with it. Their views are fuelled by fear, which is precisely why I do not want them to know of Cal's ability. He would be discriminated against, which is something I cannot allow.

For his training today, I am giving him a rather simple object to draw past memories from. That object is my lightsaber hilt. To truly build upon his skills in psychometry, Cal needs to work with objects that he is familiar with but not personally connected to. That makes my lightsaber a perfect choice.

Cal and I are currently seated on the floor of his quarters with my hilt in front of him. He has his eyes closed as he focuses on the memories hidden within the weapon.

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