Chapter 83

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By the time we reach the Briefing Room, the last of the Jedi are already leaving. Only Obi-Wan remains inside, where he is shutting off some holograms and electronic charts and maps.

"You missed the report on the Outer Rim sieges," He states without turning around.

I'm honestly disappointed in our tardiness. The war is getting closer and closer to ending, and we really need to be on top of everything that's occurring.

"We would have been here sooner if your former Padawan knew how to manage his time," I state.

"Easy," Anakin replies. "Want to fill us in, Master?"

"In short, they are going very well. Saleucami has fallen, and Master Vos has moved his troops to Boz Pity," Obi-Wan explains.

This news is good, which makes Obi Wan's reluctant attitude quite unusual. He should be thrilled by this news, not wary.

"What aren't you saying?" I ask.

I have proven many times in the past that I know when Obi-Wan is holding something back. Now is certainly one of these occasions.

"The Senate is expected to vote more executive powers to the Chancellor today," Obi-Wan says.

I don't trust Chancellor Palpatine. It's as simple as that. He seems to know too much about the dark side and often is too willing to give in to its pull. Anakin will never be able to see this side of him, which saddens me.

"Well, that can only mean less deliberating and more action. Won't that make it easier for the Jedi to end the war?" Anakin asks, defending the Chancellor.

Anakin doesn't understand politics as well as he should. He's never really had to. If the Chancellor has greater power than what he currently possesses, the Senate will become futile. Every decision, every move, it will be his decision and his alone.

"Anakin, greater executive power will give him the power of the Senate," I state.

"(Y/N) is right. Be careful of your friend Palpatine," Obi-Wan agrees.

Anakin's face falls into a familiar, defensive glare. He loves Obi-Wan as a brother, yes, but he also sees the Chancellor as a father figure. He would not hesitate to defend either of them.

"Be careful?" Anakin questions. "Of what?"

"He has requested the presence of you both for reasons he would not say," Obi Wan's states.

This revelation makes me feel uneasy. My disliking of the Chancellor is certainly apparent, yet he is still trying to gain my trust. I don't know what his goal is, or why he keeps trying. It's beginning to feel strange.

"He didn't inform the Council?" I ask.

Obi-Wan shakes his head. If nothing else, surely this occurrence will be enough to convince Anakin to be cautious of his so-called mentor. 

"That's unusual, isn't it?" Anakin asks.

"All of this is unusual, and it's making me feel uneasy," Obi-Wan responds.

By the tone of his voice as he says this, I can tell something has changed regarding the Council's relationship with Chancellor Palpatine. They finally seem to be growing suspicious of the man. With any luck, something will soon be uncovered.

"The relations between the Council and the Chancellor are becoming stressed, aren't they?" I ask, feeling hopeful that it is the case.

"Yes," Obi-Wan confirms. "And things do not look to be getting better."

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