Chapter 44

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The Daughter and I make our way inside the Monastery of the Father. The Son is already there waiting for our inevitable arrival.

"Sister." He announces. "What a pleasant surprise. And you brought a friend."

I look at the Son with pity. It saddens me that he has been corrupted by the dark side of the force. Some do so willingly, but I don't believe that is the case for him. As the Daughter said earlier, it is his nature. In a way, this is his destiny.

"What have you done, brother?" She shudders as she says the words.

"Done? I have done what is right, or what is wrong, depending on your point of view."

"Our father is dying. Did you do it?" The Daughter's broken voice asks.

She doesn't want to hear the truth. I can sense that much. Hearing the truth from her brother's mouth will destroy her. Knowing for certain that someone she loves attempted to kill another person she loves will be torturous.

"He is just so selfish and was taking too long to die, so I decided to move things along. Now, why are you here?"

He says the words with no emotion. I shudder as I fully comprehend just how evil the dark side truly is. His actions have likely resulted in the death of his father, and he shows no signs of remorse.

"I won't let you leave this planet." She declares.

"You are not strong enough to keep me here."

The dark side of the force is always stronger than the light if someone fully gives in to it. Not necessarily because of the power that comes with it, but because of the lengths the dark side user is willing to go to win. In any case, the Daughter has Anakin and I to help her.

"Not alone she isn't." I defend.

The Son laughs, "You are not strong enough without the help of your precious love. Speaking of, you might want to check up on him. He's a little preoccupied right now."

The fate of the universe is at stake right now, but so is the fate of the one I love most in the universe. I run from the position of the Son and Daughter and in the direction where he is suggesting Anakin may be.

I focus on his force signature until I find him in a courtyard of sorts fighting...Ahsoka. I run to his side, where he has his lightsaber ignited defensively. I ignite my own as I stand beside him.

Ahsoka looks different. Evil. Her eyes are Sith yellow and black lines cover her lekku, face, and body. She has been infected by the dark side. I can sense it. I don't even want to think about how this happened to her. All I know is it's the Son's doing.

"Two Jedi." She smirks. "Finally, a challenge."

Ahsoka launches herself at us and attempts to kill us. Anakin and I do not want to hurt her, so we hold back. We remain defensive rather than using offensive attacks. Ahsoka is not in control of her own mind right now. 

I hate this place.

"Any suggestions?" Anakin yells as he manages to push Ahsoka back a little.

"Yes. We cut her free." I respond.

I pull the object from the altar out from behind me which manifests back into the sword. The silver blade shines with the blue glint of Anakin's lightsaber.

"What is that?" Anakin asks with confusion.

"It can kill the Son." I pause. "Only you are strong enough to use it."

I lie about the last part to stick to my word. Anakin cannot know about the part I play in the prophecy. If I wield this sword to defeat the Son, he will surely figure it out. The Daughter said that he can never find out, much to my disapproval. 

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