Chapter 33

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To say the last few months of the war have been tough would be an understatement. Things just keep on happening with no sign of easing. 

Anakin nearly died after we crash landed in Maridun,

Ahsoka and I nearly died at the hands of the lethal blue shadow virus,

And we all nearly died after an outbreak of brain-invading Geonosian worms.

Not to mention, Anakin, Obi Wan, and I were captured alongside Dooku by the infamous Hondo Ohnaka.

Basically, there have been a lot of traumatic experiences  as of late.

Today we have been assigned a very different style of mission. There will be no battle to run or Separatists to oppose . Instead, we have been tasked to protect a very important political figure.

Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore.

Obi Wan has been posted on Mandalore for a few days now while protecting the Duchess from a terrorist group known as Death Watch. The mission turned out to be a lot more serious than previously anticipated.

Duchess Satine now wishes to travel to Coruscant to meet with the Senate and discuss her involvement in the war. Anakin and I have just arrived on Mandalore along with Captain Rex, Commander Cody, and other members of the 501st and 212th. It is our duty to ensure the Duchess is safely escorted to Coruscant.

I step out of the ship and take a moment to admire Mandalore. It is my first time on the planet and will most likely be my last. It doesn't have the liveliness of Coruscant nor the tranquility of Naboo. It's something different altogether. I'm not sure if this difference is a positive thing. 

"You coming?" Anakin says.

I turn around to be greeted by the charming smile of my husband. 

"Of course." I reply, returning his smile.

We lead our few troopers toward the ship that will be taking us all to Coruscant. Obi Wan comes into view just up ahead. It appears he is in an argument with a well-presented woman. I assume this is Satine. She storms away before we reach them and makes her way into the ship we will be taking to Coruscant.

"Reporting for escort duty, General Kenobi." I say.

"Oh, Anakin, (y/n). Am I glad to see you both." Obi Wan replies.

He seems exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally. Whatever happened on this mission must have been intense for Obi Wan to feel the impact so heavily.

"You sound tired." Anakin comments. A hint of worry lingers in his confident voice.

"The peaceful ways of the locals wore me out a bit." Obi Wan explains.

He walks off after Satine into the ship. Anakin and I look to each other and shrug. He clearly does not wish to discuss what is on his mind.

Anakin and I trail behind Obi Wan as we approach the ship.

"Something tells me Obi Wan has some personal feelings toward this mission." I mutter to Anakin.

"You think?" He says condescendingly.

We make eye contact and laugh. I'm glad we're on the same page here.

We continue to follow Obi Wan through the ship until we reach one of the less classy areas. We give our troops a quick pep talk regarding their roles during this mission. They need to be fully aware of the possibilities and be prepared for anything. We send most of the squad to scan the ship and ensure it is secure.

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