Chapter 23

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It has been a week since I married Anakin. Padme had left the lake house straight after the wedding and given us time alone for the remainder of our trip. It had been the greatest week of my life. We spent the entire time learning more about each other and trying new things. We talked, we danced, we laughed, we explored.

I wish my life could stay like this forever. Just us with no responsibilities. 

Unfortunately, today marked the day when we had to return to Coruscant. Neither of us had heard anything from the Council since we left a week ago. With the looming threat of war, I'm almost afraid to return. 

I turn over in the bed to face my sleeping husband. Truthfully neither of us had done much sleeping since the wedding, but when we did sleep it was peaceful. I recall the time not so long ago when Anakin was plagued with nightmares. His mother is no longer in pain, though I was worried he would be cursed with painful reminders of what happened for a very long time. It seems that in my presence, his mind is actually given the opportunity to be at peace.

I needed to wake Anakin so we could go back to Coruscant but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He looked far too calm. 

The realisation of how creepy my gazing, no staring, is hits me. I avert my gaze away from him and to the blinding sunlight coming through the window of the bedroom. It was well and truly past sunrise, meaning I should have gotten out of bed a few hours earlier.

I yawn as I put together the things I had travelled here with. Perhaps it would have been smart to sleep a little more this trip. Now I'm going to be exhausted when we return to Coruscant. That's the last thing I need. Dealing with some of the decisions the Council makes is hard enough on a regular day. I don't want to know how much worse it'll be while I'm sleep deprived.

I pack my things into the bag and do the same for Anakin's. Due to our lack of possessions, I complete the packing in a matter of minutes. 

A groan coming from my waking husband catches my attention. I turn to him and give him a bright smile. Every time I saw him, I became overwhelmed by joy. He offers a sleepy smile that turns into a frown upon noticing the packed bags.

"Are you sure we can't just stay for one more day?" Anakin asks groggily while sitting up a little.

"We have to leave sooner or later." I say as I zip up the bags.

"I choose later." He says, laying back down and pulling the covers over his head.

He is not a morning person.

I sit on the empty side of the bed where I had slept earlier. I reach over to the covers over Anakin's head and gently pull them away. He begins whining a little so I shut him up by planting a light kiss on his lips. A kiss he happily returns. A mischievous smile spreads across his face as he pulls me back into the bed beside him. We continue to kiss each other passionately until I unwillingly break away. If we stayed like this much longer, I fear I would never go back to Coruscant.

"Come on, we need to go back." I say, even though my heart did not agree with the statement my mind was urging.

"At least stay in bed with me for another hour." He pleads, a desperate pout forming.

As fun as his offer sounded, I couldn't accept. I wanted nothing more than to stay here for longer. I would stay forever if I could. Unfortunately, we had a duty within the galaxy. Our gifts were needed elsewhere.

"Coruscant." Is all I say before getting back out of the warm bed.

He whines for a bit about how hard his life is but eventually does the same.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now