Chapter 56

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The peaceful, idyllic planet of Kiros has seemingly become another victim of the widespread conflict of the Clone War. The lush location is home of Togrutas, the same species as Ahsoka. Master Yoda has asked for us to investigate a potential issue with the Separatists.

Anakin, Obi Wan, Cal, Ahsoka, and I are all waiting within the bridge of our Republic cruiser for a scan to be completed. From this, we will discover whether there are Separatists nearby.

"All clear, Sir." Cody's voice announces through Obi Wan's comlink. "There are no Separatist crafts in this system."

"It's been ten rotations since Master Yoda's transmission. I just hope we're not too late." Anakin says, to me more than anyone else.

I understand that it has been a while since the initial threat, but that doesn't explain the complete absence of Separatists now. There must be something more at play.

"Rex, take us down." Obi Wan orders.

"Yes, Sir." Rex agrees.

We make our way from the bridge to the hangar where the gunships are stored. The doors to them open to reveal either speeders with sidecars or walkers. Now this is my type of mission.

Cal and I get in one of the gunships and prepare ourselves in the speeder. I will be driving it while he uses the gunning mechanisms in the sidecar. I take it Anakin and Ahsoka will use the same system.

The gunships fly out of the cruiser and travel a little further before landing. As soon as the doors open, I drive the speeder out to join Anakin and Ahsoka, Obi Wan and Rex, and the members of our battalions manning walkers.

"You ready?" I ask Cal.

He pulls his safety goggles down and readies his hands on the triggers of the guns. "I was born ready."

I laugh at my Padawan before revving the engine and following the rest of the crew. I maintain a somewhat high speed until we are side by side with Anakin and Ahsoka.

"Anybody else think it's too quiet?" Ahsoka calls. "I haven't seen any colonists."

It isn't until she speaks up that I notice how eerily quiet this place is. It's as though there is no one here. I briefly focus on the Force to feel for any other lifeforms, only I cannot find anything. 

"They're probably hiding." Anakin suggests, clearly trying to put her mind at ease.

"Let's hope they stay hidden. It makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle." Obi Wan says.

"I don't like it." Rex contributes. "The clankers have never been shy about using civvies as living shields."

This entire situation is stressful enough for Ahsoka without worrying about where the colonists are. We should be putting her mind at ease, not making her more anxious.

"They'll be here somewhere. For now, let's make for the city center. If they're anywhere, they'll be there." I say.

Anakin gives me a nod of approval as we all increase our speed and make toward the centre. On our way there, I can't help but notice that the planet is seeming more and more isolated. My instincts were right, there is no one here.

"Biker droids dead ahead." Ahsoka announces.

Upon drawing my attention forward, I notice a small group of droids on speeder bikes.

"Squad, tighten up!" Anakin calls.

"Form on me!" I order.

Cal and Ahsoka each stand up from within their sidecars and deflect the incoming blaster fire. As we get closer to them, Anakin and I ignite our own lightsabers. We use them to slice through the droids once we are in a close enough range of them.

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