Chapter 27

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Obi Wan and I lead our men while we wait for Anakin and Ahsoka to disable the energy shield. The shield passed over us quite a while ago, leaving us to battle the incoming fleet of droids. The clones have fought bravely alongside Obi Wan and I.

I deflect blaster fire away from my men while also slicing through as many droids as I can. It feels like I have battled at least a hundred different droids yet it has not decreased their firepower in the slightest.

The incoming fire begins to overpower us significantly.

"They're right behind us!" Rex yells "They wiped out most of my unit. We had to pull out of there"

An explosion takes place metres from us once Rex finishes these words. He and Obi Wan take cover behind a piece of rubble and I follow. I begin to worry for Anakin and Ahsoka. I know Anakin is fine through our connection but I still worry. This was not the place for a child, nor was it somewhere I wanted my husband to be.

"The shield has almost reached the heavy cannons." Obi Wan says as the blaster fire increases around us.

"We're not going to be able to stop them, Sir." Rex replies.

I know I may be reading way too much into this, but it seems like Obi Wan has a lack of faith in his former Padawan. That isn't fair.

"Give Anakin and Ahsoka some time. They're more than capable of deactivating the shield." I say rather defensively.

"And if they don't get it deactivated in time?" Obi Wan replies with a sassy hint to his voice.

I decide to bite my tongue rather than argue about Anakin's capabilities in the middle of a battle. I know his strengths and I know he will succeed. That's all that matters right now.

"(Y/n), you and Rex move your troops back to the heavy cannons. Do everything you can to protect them." Obi Wan plans.

"What about you?" I ask, suddenly concerned for his safety.

"I'll delay the droids." Obi Wan says bravely.

"But–" Rex starts

"That is an order, Captain!" Obi Wan's voice reaches a tone I had never heard from him before.

Rex and I run from the protection of the debris as Obi Wan slices down a super battle droid. I consider disobeying my mandate to help Obi Wan but know I cannot. I would be letting my attachments get in the way of the mission.

I deflect incoming blaster fire as the troopers shoot down the droids. We decide to make a break for it as Obi Wan slices through the surrounding battle droids. He has a plan, I just don't yet know what it is.

The men and I run until we reach a position with slight covering from the Separatist attacks. I order the men to continue firing while I manage to deflect as many blasts as I can. This is one of the few times I have been separated from Anakin in battle and I was really feeling it. I was desperate to contact him but that would be a distraction. I needed to focus.

A Separatist blaster shot hits me in the upper arm. I drop down in pain and run to nearby coverage. I take a few moments to regain my strength and minimise my pain. I would be no help out there if I was not completely focused.

"(Y/n), what happened? Are you okay?" Anakin's voice appears.

I forgot that my pain gets to him through our connection.

"Just a blaster wound." I reply. "I'm fine– focus on Ahsoka."

Anakin doesn't say anything more which either means he is mad or has gotten himself into an easily avoidable situation. I'm almost certain it is the latter.

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