Chapter 52

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I force myself up the unreasonably high wall of rock until I meet Anakin on a pathway of sorts. I stop for a moment to catch my breath. Exhaustion and extreme physical activity are not a good combination. 

"Why did we have to gain the high ground?" I ask, panting a little. 

He gasps, "Shaak Ti never taught you about the art of the high ground?" 

"Was she meant to?" I ask, slightly concerned that I may have missed valuable training as a Padawan.

Master Ti taught me a lot over the years. I am a self proclaimed master of Form V combat and incredibly capable with my force abilities thanks to her. She and Master Plo also taught me the basics of flying, although the skills I have developed since were self-taught. However, I have never been taught of the significance of the high ground.

"Obi Wan has always said to never underestimate the high ground. He believes it is the key to gaining the upper hand, and should be approached with care." He shrugs. "Personally, I prefer to just run at my opponents." 

It's true that Anakin's battle tactics tend to involve running headfirst into any situation presented to him. I can be much the same, but this little bit of information has given me a slightly different perspective. Who would have thought that having the high ground could make such a big difference.

"I'm very much aware of that, Ani." I laugh.

I wish we could spend some time here alone, either discussing the high ground theory or something completely random. Unfortunately, we have more pressing matters at hand. At least our job is relatively simple for now. All we need to do is watch out for attacks.

We walk along slowly, matching the pace of our squad below. I feel oddly at ease now that he and I are alone. We have been silent for the most part, but it is the type of comfortable silence that you only truly gain with the people you love most. Every moment we spend together just feels so...right.

"Fives sure knows how to push your buttons." Anakin jokes, breaking the silence.

"I guess that's what brothers do." I say, laughing a little in the process.

There's no other way I would describe Fives other than as a brother. He is always there to help me, supports every decision I make, and is more than happy to keep mine and Anakin's secret. He is far more than a friend, he is like the older brother I never had. I love him for that.

"I'm glad you're so close to him." He says.

"Yeah, me too." I agree. "He and Padme are the closest people to me outside of the Order."

Anakin's brows furrow a little in contemplation. That's a face I've become all too familiar with. He's going to ask a slightly invasive question.

"What about the Chancellor?" Anakin asks.

I don't want Anakin to know about the Chancellor's allusion to the prophecy. Either I was reading way too far into what he said, or he has been withholding information from us all. The latter would destroy Anakin, so I simply decided against telling him. To keep up this slight mistruth, I must act as though nothing has changed.

"The Chancellor too, of course." I lie.

Chancellor Palpatine has been nothing but a mentor and friend to both Anakin and I throughout our lives. I should be grateful for him, and I am, I just don't know what to feel right now. I hate lying to my husband, especially when he is always so honest with me, but I feel I am doing the right thing here.

Anakin and I crouch down on the edge of the higher path and watch as our squad reaches the dead end as planned. If Master Plo truly did assign our Padawans to this mission, they will know to blow up the wall to allow for our escape. Their hesitation indicates that they have no idea what to do.

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