Chapter 57

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Our latest objective is to travel to Zygerria for the purpose of finding the colonists and ending their slave trade. Anakin, Obi Wan, Rex, and I are separated from Cal and Ahsoka in the ship. We need to go over the tactics of this mission prior to informing them of our plan. At this stage, the four of us are gathered within the small quarters located at the back of the ship.

"We're going to need three teams. One team will need to meet with the Queen while the other two search for the colonists." Obi Wan speaks up.

"Why two teams?" Rex asks.

"That way we can have more ground covered and a back up if anyone is caught." Obi Wan explains.

Our plan is not as thought through as we would typically like it to be, but it will suffice given the circumstances. Our goal here is to rescue innocents from the cruelty of slavery. A perfectly polished plan is not our priority.

"I think the bigger question is, how are we meant to meet with the Queen?" Anakin asks.

"I suggest Ahsoka poses as a slave while you, Anakin, pose as her master."

This is wrong. Ahsoka is more than capable of handling herself, yes, but she is still young. These Zygerrians, they play dirty. She should not be subjected to such behaviour at her age. 

"No." I say bluntly.

"Think about it, (Y/N). Ahsoka is a Togruta. It would make sense for it to be her."

"She's young, Obi Wan. I won't stand by and watch as she is treated like a slave." I argue.

Anakin nods at me in both appreciation and agreement. As someone who was a slave at a young age, he is aware of the psychological toll this mission could have on Ahsoka. The last thing he would want is for me to be in danger, however he knows my age makes me better suited to it.

"Then what do you suggest?" He pauses.

Anakin raises his hands. "Don't look at me. I tried it once. I wasn't any good at it. Besides, the role of master comes easily to me."

I roll my eyes at eyes at him. Though I love him, I must admit that his remarks are often poorly timed. 

"I will play the part of the slave." I announce.

Obi Wan begins to stroke his auburn beard. This is a trait of his I have become all too familiar with. Either he will agree willingly or debate it strongly.

"Very well." Obi Wan agrees. "Anakin, if you go under your alias, you should have no problem getting to the Queen."

"To confirm, Sir, Generals Skywalker and (Y/L/N) will be one team?" Rex asks.

"Yes. You and I, Rex, will be the ones searching for the colonists. I trust Ahsoka and Cal will manage to blend in with the eccentric crowd of the auction." Obi Wan explains.

My thoughts drift away from the conversation as I begin to focus on the actual mission at hand. Anakin, a former slave, has to act as a master. He may be putting on a brave face about it, but I know it will be destroying him. It goes against everything he stands for.

Anakin nudges my arm slightly to snap me out of my thoughts. I look to him and he tilts his head toward Obi Wan. In his hands is what seems to be a pile of fabric.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought." I say.

"It's quite alright." He smiles. "This is what you'll be wearing for your role. I suggest you change in here once we are all gone. 

I take the clothing from his hands. By how it is folded, I can already tell it is going to be far more revealing than what I am comfortable with. Obi Wan and Rex both leave, but Anakin waits a little longer.

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