Chapter 14

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Anakin and I ride the hours back to the moisture farm in complete silence. There was nothing either of us could say to make things better right now.

It is early morning when the speeders finally come in range of the homestead. Five figures exit hastily: Owen, Beru, Padme, Threepio, and Artoo. I notice Cliegg hobble out just after the rest of them in his floating chair. I wasn't ready to break the news to him. It would destroy him.

They run to our bikes but stop when they notice the covered body tied to Anakin's. He lifts his mother up and carries her toward the homestead. He stops face to face with Cliegg for a brief moment. The man looks as if he just lost his entire world.

Anakin carries Shmi into the homestead while I wait outside with the others. Padme walks over to me and gives me a short but comforting hug.

"What...what happened?" Cliegg stutters. The strain in his voice shows how much strength it is taking for him to not cry.

"We were too late. I'm so sorry." I say to him. There was no need to explain the full story of what state we found her in. That was something he didn't need to know.

He turns away and goes back to the homestead without saying anything more. I understood that he needed to be alone. Owen follows him.

"You did everything you could." Beru says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Come, you are in need of a meal."

She guides me back into the homestead along with Padme and the droids. I couldn't deny the emptiness I was feeling. I failed at helping Anakin save his mother and almost failed at saving Anakin from himself. I wish I had the same strength as other Jedi to let go of my emotions.

We enter the homestead and walk to the kitchen to prepare food. I stay silent as Beru and Padme discuss Naboo. I find myself thinking back to the time we spent there. It was short, far too short. So much good had happened there. I had gained a real friend in Padme, learned more about my connection to the force, and shared a loving, tender moment with Anakin. Although the last one was forbidden and caused me pain, I still cherished it above everything else.

We finish preparing the tray and I thank the two of them for their help. I begin walking out to the garage when I notice Artoo.

"Hey buddy." I address the droid.

He beeps back happily.

"Would you mind going back and waiting with the ship? I promise I'll come out and see you later on."

Surprisingly, he willingly accepts the task and heads back to the starship. I could see why Anakin was so attached to him, he's a good droid.

When I finally reach the garage, Anakin is repairing a part from the speeder bike at the workbench. He's great with this type of thing, so I assume it would be a great distraction from the events of last night.

"What are you working on?" I ask in an attempt to spark conversation.

"The shifter broke." He sighs "Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things. I'm good at fixing things. Always was. But I couldn't..." His voice trails off.

"There are some things that not even you can fix. You're not all powerful, Anakin."

"I should be!" He shouts.

Not this again.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so temperamental. You've done so much for me, (Y/N)" He says softly.

"I know you don't."

He slowly sits on the floor and gestures for me to the same.

"Can we talk about last night?" He asks in an anxious tone.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now