Chapter 28

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The mission to return Jabba's son was successful. How we all managed to survive, I will never understand. Between mine and Anakin's reckless tactics and Ahsoka's inexperience in the field, it is a wonder that the mission was even completed.  

Anakin and I engaged in a fierce battle with Asajj Ventress whilst Ahsoka was rescuing the Hutt son, Rotta, on the planet of Teth. During the battle, Dooku's considerable apprentice managed to strike Anakin's right eye with her lightsaber. He's lucky he didn't lose his eye completely.

He has spent the last three or so weeks healing and recovering in the Temple. During much of this time, he has been training with Ahsoka and bothering Obi Wan. The latter was nothing unusual.

I, on the other hand, have had to lead the 501st on a few minor missions since Anakin's incident with Ventress. Although it's never been anything overly dangerous, Anakin hates that I have been on the field without him. He was constantly checking in on me via our connection to make sure I was alright. It turns out we can communicate through the force while in different systems within the galaxy.

He believes he's ready to go back on missions with me now and we have agreed he will do so when I return to Coruscant. Little does he know that today is that day.

I am currently meditating in my quarters of the Republic cruiser we have been travelling on for the past three weeks. It was nothing special, much like my regular quarters at the Temple. 

Oh how I miss Anakin's more homely quarters.

 I clutch onto the wedding ring hanging on the necklace Anakin gave me. It's easy for me to connect with him any time I want to, but this has a different type of significance. If I ever feel overpowered in a battle, concentrating on the familiar weight of the ring hanging around my neck manages to give me the focus I need. It is a reminder of everything I have and everything I cannot bear to lose. 

The memory of mine and Anakin's private wedding on Naboo fills my mind. It wasn't that long ago, yet it feels like a lifetime has passed. The stakes of the war are getting higher with each passing day, and the normality of my life as a Jedi is fading. Clinging to my love for Anakin is the only thing that brings me any kind of peace these days.

Given how long we have been travelling aboard the cruiser, I assume we must be getting close to our latest destination. I leave the comfort of my quarters and head toward the main area of the cruiser, passing various troopers on my way there.

We lost a few men on these recent missions. Each of these losses hit me as hard as it hit the other troopers. I have come to know them all by name and picked up on their distinct personalities. Losing any of them was like I was also losing a brother.

I'm starting to develop mixed feelings about the Republic's treatment of the clones. I think they are forgetting that they are living beings, and their lives are just as valuable as everyone else's.

I walk toward an automatic door leading to my desired destination.

"We're coming out of hyperspace, Sir." Rex says as I enter the bridge of the Republic cruiser.

"Thank you, Rex." I reply.

I watch excitedly as the bustling planet of Coruscant appears before me. I don't necessarily love it the planet. I have lived here my entire life, yet it has never truly felt like my home. I do, however, love what is currently waiting on the surface. Anakin. My desperation to see him threatens to overpower everything else.

Upon landing, I dismiss my troops and begin to approach the Jedi Temple, carefully concealing my force signature from Anakin. I want to be able to surprise him with my presence, if something like that is possible for two bonded through the force.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now