Chapter 75

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Anakin, Obi-Wan, Artoo, and I rush to the hangar of our Cruiser. Any moment now, the shuttle containing two of the people I love most in the galaxy will land. I feel overwhelmed by my own excitement.

"It all makes sense now," Anakin states unexpectedly.

"What?" Obi-Wan asks before I have the chance to do so myself.

"If Ahsoka and Cal hadn't left the Order, then they wouldn't have been where they needed to be." He explains.

He's trying his hardest to ignore the circumstances under which the two of them left. All he wants is for our lives to return to normal with Cal and Ahsoka as part of them.

"Anakin..." I start, preparing myself to break the truth to him.

When I notice the hopeful gleam in his eyes, I can no longer bring myself to tell him the truth of it all. I'd rather him believe a lie than be burdened with the heartbreak of knowledge. I rarely see hope in his eyes these days, and I certainly will not be the one who takes it away.

"You're right." I agree with him. "It must have been the will of the Force."

"That's one way to look at it, I suppose." Obi-Wan contributes.

Anakin rushes in front of Obi-Wan and me to stop us from continuing further. He is frantic and desperate to believe this to be the truth. At this stage, I'm starting to believe he is trying harder to convince himself than us.

"It's the only way to look at it. We're gonna capture Maul, finally. I thought you would be more excited about this." He says, targeting his words at his former Master rather than me.

"I am cautiously optimistic." Obi-Wan states before continuing onward.

Anakin stops for a moment as he considers his words a little more. He's so desperate to believe it's true. To believe that Cal and Ahsoka's paths were set by the Force rather than our own failure to protect them.

When we both turn around to meet Obi-Wan, we see what we have been waiting for. The shuttle they are travelling on is lowering into the hangar. We eagerly step forward and await what is to come.

The anxiety I am feeling is overwhelming. For the first time in a year, we are going to see two people we both love. The last time we saw them was under horrible terms, and I am desperate to right those wrongs.

The rear door opens to reveal two figures walking down the ramp. Cal and Ahsoka. The sight of Ahsoka walking down the ramp of a shuttle gives me flashbacks to Christophsis when we first met her. That feels like a lifetime ago.

Artoo beeps excitedly at our side and goes to the ramp to meet them. The two stop and each places a hand on the droid before proceeding toward us with multiple Mandalorians trailing behind.

The time it takes them to travel from the shuttle's rear to us is agonising, and I cannot bring myself to make eye contact with either of them in the process.

When they reach our position, Cal stands before me and Ahsoka stands before Anakin. All of us want to speak, but none of us knows what to say. That is true apart from one exception.

"Ahsoka," Anakin chuckles. "I'm so glad–"

"We'll have to catch up another time." Ahsoka interrupts.

Anakin's face falls into one of heartbreak. His little sister is finally back in his life, and she doesn't want to talk to him. Seeing the pain in his eyes is almost enough to make me cry.

"Every minute we waste here gives Maul an opportunity to slip away." Bo Katan explains.

My eyes finally meet Cal's. His green eyes are still much the same; filled with light and hope. The only thing missing is the sparkle of adventure that lingered in them. He seems to have lost that part of him since he left the Order.

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