Chapter 10

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As a Jedi, I don't own many possessions to actually be able to take with me on a mission. The only things I brought with me other than my Jedi attire is basic toiletries, nightwear, and undergarments. It only takes me a few minutes to gather these things and change, so I lie down on the bed I have been using. This is definitely one of the things I'm going to miss most about Naboo.

A delightful presence enters the room.

"How polite of you to knock." I say sarcastically as I sit up on the bed.

"I didn't need to knock." He says giddily.

He leans against a wall next to the large window of the room. The sunlight hitting his face combined with the garden view created a sight of perfection. A sight I could look at for hours.

Focus (Y/N).

"Is everything okay?" I ask. I was curious as to why he came here to begin with.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something." He responds.  

"Okay?" I ask with a questioning tone. I don't have the slightest idea as to what it may be.

"A couple of days ago on the balustrade, you wanted to tell me something. Actually no, you promised to tell me something. I wanted to talk about it before we left. It only seems fair." He explains.

I immediately know what he's referring to. I was planning on confessing the connection we share before Padme interrupted the moment. Truthfully, I was hoping he had forgotten about it. I was slightly afraid of what his reaction may be.

"That doesn't matter anymore." I try to brush it off.

"That's a lie." He calls me out. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I hesitate "No, no something is wrong."

"Then tell me." He urges with calm tone.

He did have a right to know about this. I mean, he is directly involved in a connection through the force. I stand up from the safety of the comfortable bed and walk toward him. I stop when we are just a few mere inches apart.

"Do you remember when we first met?" I ask him in a hushed whisper.

"Of course I do. You saved my life that day." He smiles as he reminisces about our first encounter.

"Exactly. There's no reasonable explanation as to how I, an untrained youngling, could do that. Anakin, there's a connection between us through the force. I know it sounds crazy, but every time I'm around you, my powers are amplified. That's how I could save you 7 years ago and how I can feel your emotions now." I don't think I take a single breath during the explanation.

A cheeky smile appears upon his lips.

"I know." He tells me.

A hundred different expressions must have come across my face within seconds of him sharing this information. 

"Come again?" Shock undoubtedly is present within my facial features.

"I've always known, (Y/N). I just didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if you knew. I thought it would scare you."

Hearing him say this is soothing on every possible level. I was so relieved to know that his reaction to it was the same as mine.

"What do you think it is then?" I ask, hoping he may have the answers I seek.

"I don't know, but the force brought us together. That's something I'm not willing to ignore." He pauses briefly "May I tell you something?"

"Go ahead," I say, eager for his next words.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now