Chapter 9

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I wake up in disappointment to see that Anakin is not lying next to me. Yes, I know we're only friends but it was still incredibly comforting to have his arms around me last night. Although I'm by no means helpless, it was nice to be in the safety of his embrace.

Part of me wished that I could stay in his arms for the rest of my life.

I get out of the bed hastily and make my way through the lodge in search of Anakin, not bothering to stop by my room and change for the day ahead. Searching for him is easy as I simply have to follow the direction that amplifies my feelings of power.

Thanks to our connection, I find him in no time at all. He is standing on the Balustrade meditating. His eyes are closed in concentration as he attempts to find peace. I can feel the pain he is desperately trying to get rid of. I decide now isn't the time to disturb him so I turn to leave,

"Don't go." He says with a broken voice, his eyes still closed.

I stop in my tracks. Of course I wasn't going to leave now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you." I tell him honestly.

"You're not disturbing me. Your presence is soothing." He replies. His kind words make me smile. I quickly compose myself before he can sense my feelings.

There is a brief pause before I decide to bring up last night.

"How did you sleep?" I ask. Considering the fact that he didn't wake me through the night, I assume he slept more peacefully than usual.

He opens his eyes and turns to face me. "Good, after you came in. Thank you again for everything. I don't know how I used to get by without you." He smiles graciously. 

I was happy to know that I was impacting his life so positively. No one should have to deal with things alone. While ever I was in his life, he would always have me to lean on.

"Of course." I pause. There was more I wanted to ask but I needed to be careful with my words, "These nightmares, Anakin. What aren't you telling me?"

He clenches his jaw. I feel bad for pressuring him to talk about it, but we needed to get to the bottom of the issue. The sooner we had it sorted out, the sooner he would be able to sleep peacefully again.

"I saw my mother. I saw her as clearly as I see you now. She's suffering, (Y/N). She is in pain. They're killing her!" He takes a deep breath to control his emotions, "I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect Padme. I know I will be punished and possibly thrown out of the Jedi Order, but I must go. I have to help her! I'm sorry, (Y/N). I don't have a choice." The pain in his voice is unbearable.

I process his words for a moment. He's planning on directly disobeying the Council by going to Tatooine. I couldn't even begin to imagine how much trouble he'll get himself into. The fact that he is willing to risk everything he had spent 10 years trying to achieve tells me how important it is for him to find his mother.

"I understand." I take a step toward him, "When are we going?"

His head shoots up and his eyes widen in surprise. I didn't hesitate at all before agreeing to go with him. I will not let him do this alone.

"We aren't doing anything. I have to do this alone, (Y/N)." He tries to reason with me. I thought by now he'd know better than to waste his time on this.

"But you don't have to. You're not alone, Anakin. Not while I'm here." I take both of his hands in mine, "We're doing this together."

His tear-filled eyes meet mine.

"I can't let you risk everything for me. You could get kicked out of the order or worse. I won't let that happen to you." His tone becomes harsher yet more protective at the same time.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now