Chapter 67

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Fives and I land back in the lower levels of Coruscant to begin our search for Ventress. I feel her presence nearby as soon as we exit the ship, which tells me she is likely aware of our arrival. I am beyond ready to find her. 

"So, uh, what exactly is the plan here?" Fives asks as we navigate the shady areas of the Coruscant underworld.

"I imagine Ventress will be able to sense my presence. If she senses me, she is bound to come and find me. All we have to do is blend, and when she gets close enough, we will make our move against her." I explain.

"Simple as that?" 

"Simple as that." I repeat.

I lift my hood up over my head to blend into the shadows a little more. It'll be hard to remain unseen given the armour Fives is wearing, but it should hide my Jedi appearance from those who oppose the Order. That should at least give us a small advantage.

We walk around in the shadows of the area for a while until the dark presence of Ventress becomes incredibly strong. I look down from the platform we are standing on at the time to see her walking underneath.

"Stay up here and set your blaster to stun." I mutter to Fives.

Unlike Obi Wan, I do not see the purpose in maintaining the high ground. I jump down from the platform and land on the ground behind her. 

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." She sneers.

She turns around to see if her assumption is correct. I lift the hood off my head and allow it to fall around my neck, revealing the anger plastered on my face. 

"You're behind this, Ventress. You orchestrated this entire thing!" I shout.

"Prove it." She taunts.

I ignite my lightsaber and prepare to run toward her. The strange part is she doesn't ignite her own lightsabers in defence. She momentarily scans the area before using the Force to summon two metal poles to her hand. Why she would opt for something other than her lightsabers does not makes sense, but I am not complaining.

She and I leap across platforms as we battle it out while Fives shoots in her direction. I don't expect him to properly aim for her, given the possibility of hitting me too, but it is worth a shot.

Although Ventress is no longer the apprentice of Count Dooku, she certainly has not lost touch with her skills. Even with weapons that are no match for my own, she is a hard opponent to beat.

We continue to battle it out until I manage to slice her makeshift weapons into pieces, leaving her unarmed apart from her abilities in the Force. She is strong in that area, but nowhere near as strong as I am.

I use the Force to knock her back into a wall, temporarily stunning her. I take this opportunity to choke her with the Force, leaving her gasping for air.

"Last chance to confess." I threaten.

I tighten the grip around her throat to make the process as agonising as possible. Even if she was not behind what happened to them, she is still evil. She has caused so much pain to innocents across the galaxy.

I am a Jedi and my morals should stop me from continuing this. The problem is, I don't want to stop. It feels good to watch her suffer. To make her pay for everything she has done. 

"General, stop!" Fives calls.

"Back off, Fives." I say through gritted teeth.

He grabs my wrist and gently lowers it downward. I shift my gaze to him to see he has removed his helmet in an attempt to get through to me.

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