Chapter 82

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The morning following the premonition we experienced is especially uncomfortable. Neither of us really knows what to say or do to take away the pain from the vision, and it's only making things worse.

I briefly told Anakin about my encounter with Obi-Wan in the archives, and he seemed supportive of my decision to tell him an altered version of the vision. I still stand by my judgement that it was a far better idea than simply telling him nothing.

It's hard for us to talk to each other after what we saw last night, and rightfully so. We both had to watch our babies dying, and Anakin had the added horror of watching me drift away. That is something that cannot be easily forgotten.

I decided it best to keep a little distance from Anakin today. We both need a little bit of time to heal and, more than anything else, I need answers. 

I have one location set in my mind and that is the youngling training room. Master Ti has been tasked with watching over the younglings while she is on Coruscant, and my best bet at attaining the answers I desire is through her.

It doesn't take long for me to reach the destination. Standing before the graceful figure of my master is a small group of younglings eager to learn the ways of the Jedi. They are acquiring their basic lightsaber combat skills through using training sabers to practice the deflection of blaster shots fired by training droids.

This is a memory of my own that I will always be fond of.

"Ah, (Y/N)," Master Ti greets me. "Younglings, we have a visitor."

The younglings deactivate their training sabers and turn their enthusiastic gazes to me. By the slight chattering and excited looks, I can tell some of them recognise me. When you're a youngling and a powerful Knight or Master is nearby, you cannot help but stare.

"That's Master (Y/L/N)," A small boy with blond hair and blue eyes gasps.

I have never seen this boy before, but I recognise him in some ways. His eyes contain the same glimmer of hope that mine did as a youngling, and his eagerness to learn fills his voice. He reminds me of a younger version of myself.

"Hi," I say with a slight smile. "Master, may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Now isn't a great time. I'd be happy to speak with you at the end of the class if you're willing to wait," She replies.

I am officially a mother to be, so it probably isn't a bad idea to spend time with younglings. I wouldn't have a problem with her request either way though. I have always enjoyed giving time to younglings.

"Very well," I reply.

Master Ti encourages the class to get back to their training and most of them oblige. All except one, that is.

"Master (Y/L/N)?" The same youngling from earlier says to me.

I crouch down to be eye level with the boy. His eyes contain the same innocence that was once present in the eyes of all the Jedi. The time before the war, that is. Our losses combined with feelings of regret for our actions have taken the light away from our eyes. 

This is why my children can never join the Order. I would hate for them to be apart of something that could strip them of their hope.

"That's me," I reply with a playful grin. "Do you need help with–"

"I'm Sors Bandeam," He cuts me off.

He promptly extends his hand for me to shake, and I waste no time in completing the gesture. The more he speaks, the more he reminds me of my younger self.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now