Chapter 93

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"Execute Order Sixty-Six."

"Execute Order Sixty-Six."

I have no idea why, but I simply cannot get these words out of my mind. They're clouding every thought I have, making it impossible for me to focus on anything else.

The strange part is, I cannot decipher whose voice is uttering the words. Their voice seems to merge into my own voice within my mind. I don't know whether these words have already been spoken or if I'm receiving some kind of warning. None of it makes sense.

A small group of people wearing familiar white armour turn into the corridor before me within the Temple. The added blue stripes and markings reveal one thing; they are 501st troopers. I don't recall giving them orders to be here, so I can't figure out their reasoning.

"Hey!" I call from behind them.

The three turn to face me, and by the marking on one of their helmets, I know who I'm dealing. The downward arrow at the centre of the middle trooper's helmet shows that I am speaking with Commander Appo. He, in particular, would not be here without good reason. Perhaps Anakin gave him orders to be here, although I doubt he would do so without consulting me first. 

"Appo? What are you doing in the Temple?" I ask.

Time seemingly slows for the next series of events. Appo gradually reaches to the blaster resting in its holster and places his hand on it. I look at the other two troopers beside him and notice they are doing the same thing. Within a matter of seconds, they are aiming their blasters toward my defenceless figure.

I manage to unclip my lightsaber from my belt and activate it before their blasts can hit me. I deflect the blasts, sending them into the walls around me. My actions leave charred marks on the pristine surfaces, but that is hardly my brightest problem right now. 

The three troopers continue firing at me, and I quickly grow tired. The shock of their actions took a lot out of me and makes it difficult for me to fully focus on protecting myself.

This inability to successfully eliminate the threat disappears when I remember what else I have to fight for. I don't want to hurt these clones and I certainly don't want to kill them, but I cannot allow myself to die. If anything happens to me, my children will also suffer. 

By using the Force, I summon Appo's blaster to my hand. While continuing to deflect any incoming attacks, I manage to switch the setting on the blaster to stun with my free hand. When I'm sure the attack won't be lethal, I use the blaster to temporarily knock out each of the three clones.

The blaster drops out of my shaking hand as the unconscious troopers hit the ground. The clones turned against me. Men that I have served with during countless missions tried to kill me, and I have no idea why.

The stomping feet of more incoming clone troopers tells me one thing; I need to get out of here. I survey my surroundings, desperate to find a safe place from this violence. If I remain in these halls, I will surely be found. The only place where I will be truly safe is the ventilation shaft.

After using the Force to open the hatch in the ceiling above me, I jump through the hole into the vents. Once inside, I close the hatch tightly and remain completely still. It will only be a matter of time until more men get here.

I watch through the cracks in the vents to monitor what is occurring below me. Two clone troopers appear and instantly check the pulses of each of the unconscious men on the ground. I can't see their faces, but I can feel their determination to find me.

"They're stunned," One of the clones says.

"Keep moving. The Chancellor gave us a direct order to execute Order 66. All Jedi must die," The other replies.

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