Chapter 17

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We are escorted into what seems to be a courtroom. The Geonosian guards push us forward until we are standing in the centre. Seated before us in a tall, boxed off area is another Geonosian– an Archduke I assume. On one side of him is a series of Separatist Senators, on the other commerce Dignitaries, including Gunray himself. The walls surrounding us are lined with at least one hundred other Geonosians eager for a verdict.

I feel incredibly uneasy. This is my fault. I should've just agreed to let the Council handle this but instead I convinced Padme and Anakin to come here. I was naive. I truly thought we could save Obi Wan and get out of here alive. How wrong I was.

The archduke begins to speak but I cannot understand the words he is saying. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to the language studies as a Youngling. Padme argues with the authoritative figures of Geonosis in a desperate attempt to save our lives. I knew there was no way out of this for us.

Being a Jedi means to be willing to give our lives at any moment for the greater good. In a way, I've always been prepared to die young. I guess I just wasn't ready for it right now. I'm not afraid for myself, but for the people I had dragged here with me. My mind begins racing with thoughts of what my life may have been like if we hadn't come to Geonosis.

"(Y/N)" I hear a muffled male voice say. The sensation is strange to say the least. I know I didn't physically hear anyone say my name. It was like it was delivered directly to my mind.

"(Y/N)." The voice says again, only clearer this time.

Now I'm certain that it is in my head. Could it be? No. No that isn't possible.

"Anakin?" I ask in my mind. I turn my head to look at him only to find him already looking at me.

It's definitely him. I revert my gaze back to the Geonosian before us to avoid drawing undue attention to ourselves.

"How is this possible?" I continue asking.

"I don't know. I felt your fear and was desperate to calm you down. I focused on the words I wanted to say to you through our connection." He explains.

The care he has for me makes me feel...loved?

"Do you think Dooku can hear this?"  I ask, choosing not to dwell on his feelings toward me.

"No. Our connection is strictly between us. There's no way he could know about it." Anakin calms my racing mind. 

"What are we going to do?"  Although only in my mind, I know my voice sounds concerned.

"I'm not sure. But we will get out of here. Somehow. I will not let anything happen to you, (Y/N)" He promises.

I know the timing isn't ideal but there was something I needed to say to him. If we were to die in a short amount of time, I needed to get this off of my chest. I couldn't deny it any longer.

"Anakin I–" 

My words are interrupted by significant unease in the courtroom. 

"Get on with it. Carry out the sentence. I want to see her suffer." Nute Gunray exclaims from above.

The authoritative Geonosisan says something to Padme that I assume cannot be good. My suspicions are confirmed when we are harshly escorted out of the courtroom. I look up to the stands to see Count Dooku with a devilish smile.

Oh how I wish I could knock his head off of his body.

In a gloomy tunnel, Anakin and I are tossed into an open cart

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In a gloomy tunnel, Anakin and I are tossed into an open cart. I can hear the growing murmur of a crowd waiting beyond the exit. A public execution. I don't know where Padme is. I just hope she somehow negotiated her way out of it.

A series of guards tie Anakin and I to the cart, leaving us standing facing one another. The driver gets in his seat but doesn't seem to be going any time soon.

I look around desperately for Threepio and Artoo. I guess they never received the distress signal. 

This is not how I wanted to die.

"Hey," Anakin senses my unease "don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid to die." I take a deep breath, "I am, however, afraid of dying a liar."

"What are you talking about?" He whispered. I was hoping that he would be able to put the pieces together without me needing to say it aloud.

I looked into the blue eyes before me. I had to say this to him. Even though he most likely already knew, I needed to hear myself say it. He knows me better than anyone else. He is literally connected to me through the will of the force. When I'm around him, I feel complete. If this is to be one of my final moments, I wanted to leave nothing unsaid.

"I love you." I say, inching my face closer to his.

"Y-you love me?" He smiles ecstatically before remembering the reality of our love. "I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie. That it would destroy our lives."

"I don't care about that right now. If we are to die in that arena, I want you to know the truth. I truly, deeply love you, Anakin. I wish I had told you sooner."

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He leans toward me.

Our lips just meet in a light yet passionate kiss. I feel electricity shoot through my body as my heart begins to beat faster. This is everything I had ever wanted, and it was happening at the end of my life.

I wish I had given into my desire for him at Naboo. At least then we would've had a few full days where we could completely embrace our love.

The driver cracks his whip over the animal harnessed to the cart. We jerk forward, not willing to part lips until we pass through the archway to the area.  The sunlight blinds me as we enter the arena.

The crowd welcomes us with roars of excitement.

The arena is packed with tier upon tier of bloodthirsty Geonosians. The cart trundles to the centre where we see Obi Wan chained to one of four upright posts stemming from the ground. Each must be at least three feet in diameter. The cart stops and we are dragged out to the posts.

Just as I'm about to be chained to the post, I discreetly run my hand over my hair and take out one of the pins in my ponytail. I place it in my mouth until the time is right. I may not get out of here alive, but I will do everything in my power to save my friends.

"I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message." Obi Wan says with a tone of annoyance. He's probably wondering how his Padawan always managed to get himself into trouble.

"I retransmitted it as you requested, Master. Then we decided to come and rescue you." Anakin explains.

"Good job!" Obi Wan scolds us both.

The cheering of the crowds returns when another cart is brought out to the arena. Padme. They chain her to the final pole on the opposite end. Our arms are pulled tight above our heads as the carts drive away, leaving us well and truly stranded.

The roaring of the crowd ceases completely when a Geonosian we came across earlier speaks. At the conclusion of his short speech, the crowd goes wild. 

I didn't like this.

"Padme, what did he say?" Anakin asks, although he doesn't truly want to know the answer.

Padme turns her gaze from the ground to us,

"Let the executions begin."

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now