Chapter 66

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With both Cal and Ahsoka now on the run, Anakin and I have no choice but to meet with the Jedi Council and discuss how we should approach the situation from here. This normally wouldn't be a problem, except today we also have the added joy of the pompous attitude of Tarkin.

"After further investigation, there can be little doubt that the clone officers murdered in the escape were killed by none other than Ahsoka Tano herself. She used a Jedi mind trick to convince the clones to open the door and then proceeded to cut him down along with five other clones along the way." The hologram of Admiral Tarkin explains.

Tarkin knows both of our Padawans and he is fully aware of how good they are at heart. If it weren't for their quick thinking, Tarkin would have died during the Citadel mission. Yet here he is, openly accusing them of something he knows in his heart that they could never be capable of doing.

"I do not believe that Ahsoka could have fallen so far." Master Plo contributes, asserting his faith in Anakin's Padawan.

I will forever be grateful for Master Plo Koon. No matter what happens, he is one Jedi who will always have faith in the people he knows and trusts. Regardless of what the Council believes, I know he will be the one who stands apart from the group and asserts his faith in Cal and Ahsoka.

"The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant." Tarkin scoffs. "We deal strictly in facts and evidence, and the evidence points to Padawan Tano being guilty of both the attack on the Temple and the murder of Republic officiers with the assistance of Padawan Kestis. This is sedition."

Tarkin ends his transmission to the Council Chamber, leaving the room filled with apprehension and uncertainty. These are challenging times, especially for Anakin whose anger is growing by the second.

"Skywalker, (Y/L/N), was there no way to stop your Padawans before they escaped?" Ki Adi Mundi asks.

Anakin and I step forward to bring ourselves before the Council members. All pressure is on us for their escape, but I hardly think that is fair. Who could blame them for running?"

"No, Master Mundi." Anakin mumbles.

"The Council believes that Ahsoka may be guilty of the crime. Unsure, we are of the guilt of Cal. Still believe they are wrong, do you, hmm?" Master Yoda asks.

Of course we believe they are wrong. Unlike some other Jedi Masters, Anakin and I have truly taken the time to get to know our Padawans. Masters like Luminara Unduli do not care enough to know their Padawans for who they are, as attachments are considered to be wrong.

"I believe Ahsoka didn't kill the clone troopers or the woman who used the nano-droids to blow up the temple." Anakin defends.

"That's why she's running. That's why they're both running. You say attachments are forbidden, but that is the only thing keeping them alive right now. Their loyalty to one another will result in the proving of their innocence. I have no doubt of that." I snap.

"Are you questioning the authority of the Council?" Master Windu accuses.

With each passing day during this time of the Clone War, I begin to question the authority of the Council even more. The Council is meant to be wise and knowledgeable, yet all I see is a bunch of people sitting in a circle with very limited knowledge on what life is actually like outside of the walls of this Temple.

"I'm questioning the way the Council approaches issues involving people we know we can trust, yes." I affirm.

"(Y/N)'s right." Anakin chimes in. "If we had faith in Ahsoka to begin with, we would have been able to find the real criminal by now."

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