Chapter 89

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With Obi-Wan on his way to Utapau and the rest of our day free, Anakin and I decided to go back to his quarters. Whenever I have a day off, I take advantage of it. We Jedi devote a lot of time and effort into fighting a war that we never should have been dragged into. 

The way I see it, I earn this occasional lazy time. I choose to stay in bed for as long as possible on these days, and today is no exception to that. As soon as I enter the quarters, I change out of my robes and climb back into bed. Even if I don't sleep, I would appreciate a little rest. It isn't easy carrying around Force-sensitive twins.

Anakin lays down beside me and snuggles up close to my body. One of his hands reaches for mine, and he wastes no time in intertwining our fingers. He uses his thumb to gently rub the side of my hand, using the soft gesture to show his love for me.

I roll my head to one side, allowing myself to look at him while we're in this proximity. Anakin loves to be as close to me as possible and I love it just as much. The closer I am to him, the more I feel at peace. 

"You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me," Anakin whispers.

His unexpected words are almost enough to make me cry. There is nothing I am more grateful for than the man beside me. Nothing and no one means more to me than Anakin and our children. Although I have always known he feels the same way, it is nice to hear him say it aloud. 

It's hard for me to remember the person I was before my soul connected to Anakin Skywalker. I have always been brave and loyal to those I care about, but there is no denying that he helped me find myself. I am no longer an anxious, by-the-book Padawan; I am a courageous Knight. 

"You helped me become the person I am, Anakin," I state. "You changed my life for the better, and I can't imagine a world without you,"

Without Anakin, I never would have grown into the confident, strong person I am today. He is the one who made me feel powerful. He helped me become confident in who I am and the abilities I possess. The somewhat arrogant and reckless side of me always existed, but Anakin was the one who allowed me to show it to the galaxy.

If I had never met him in the courtyard, I don't know who I'd be. What I do know is that I never would have found my true self.

"You'll never have to," He reassures me.

Although Anakin has just guaranteed that we will have each other forever, his mannerisms don't seem to match his words. He's suddenly become sad and detached, as though this conversation is hurting him emotionally.

"As much as I hate to say it, I have a meeting I need to join with some of the Jedi Masters in the war room," Anakin says.

Whether it be the manipulative Chancellor or the patronising Jedi Council, someone always seems to need Anakin. We don't have much time together anymore, and with the pregnancy, I need him more than ever. The one positive is that we will be away from this soon enough.

"Can't you just miss this one?" I plead.

Despite my request for him to stay, Anakin climbs out of bed and begins putting his robes back on. I do, to some degree, admire his recent commitment to fulfilling his orders. At the same time, it's becoming quite irritating when they're from Chancellor Palpatine or the Council.

"Sorry, my love, but they need me for this one. On the bright side, I shouldn't be too long. I'm already late," He chuckles.

I can't help but laugh at this revelation. Anakin is truly the worst when it comes to time management. However, if the task involves me, his management skills suddenly become perfect. Let's just say he has his priorities right.

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