Chapter 51

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The Citadel is seemingly endless, and for the most part, empty. I cannot help but notice that we are quite literally sitting ducks right now. A massive group of clone troopers and Jedi together in this place is not the greatest idea.

"Something on your mind?" Anakin asks, walking alongside me at the back of the crew.

"I'm not the biggest fan of this plan." I start. "We're setting ourselves up for an ambush."

"Probably." He shrugs. "But with five Jedi on our side, I'd say the odds are in our favour."

There's that arrogance I've gotten so used to. His arrogance in everything he does is almost comforting these days. It makes me feel like our squad can do anything. Besides, I would be lying if I said his smug attitude has not rubbed off on me since we first fell in love.

Up ahead, Ahsoka begins to slow her pace significantly. She continues to do this until she is at me side.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you for a second?" The soft voice of Ahsoka asks

"Of course, Ahsoka." I reply.

Anakin remains at my side, not quite picking up on Ahsoka's request to talk to me alone. I feel a little sorry for him.

"I think she meant just me, Anakin." I state.

His eyes widen a little and dart between Ahsoka and I.

"Oh, right." He says uncomfortably.

Anakin unwillingly walks away from us, leaving just Ahsoka and I. I am a little confused as to what this will be about. Ahsoka may be like my younger sister, but she is still closer to Anakin than I. Whatever she wants to talk about, she clearly does not want Anakin to know.

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

Ahsoka takes a deep breath and averts her gaze to the ground. She seems slightly anxious, which is quite unusual for her.

"Are you mad at Cal and I?" She queries.

I was mad at them both at first. I've come to learn that there is nothing more irritating than a Padawan who disobeys their mandate. In any case, our mission would have been far less successful if her and Cal had not shown up.

"Not anymore." I assure her. "You have both proven you are more than capable of handling yourselves. However, I would appreciate it if you took less note of mine and Anakin's actions toward orders."

She laughs a little before her features turn serious again, "Is Anakin mad?" .

That explains why she didn't want him to be part of our conversation. She is terrified of disappointing him. Anakin means the world to her, and thinking that she has seemingly failed him would crush her.

"He was never mad at you, Ahsoka, only worried. You mean a lot to him. As far as he's concerned, every activity we undergo on missions must revolve around your safety. You're the fulcrum, in a way." I explain.

"The Fulcrum?" She ponders. "I guess I've never thought of it like that."

I watch up ahead to see Cal eagerly looking around for Ahsoka. The two of them have built quite a strong bond with each other due to how much time they spend together. They're like siblings, and love each other because of it.

"You should go back to Cal, he could use your company on this mission." I suggest.

"Thank you for this, (Y/N)." She says.

I give her a smile and a nod before she hurries ahead to Cal. It doesn't take long for Anakin to head back toward me, but he is beaten to it by Fives and Echo.

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