Chapter 26

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Ah, Chrisptopsis. A planet whose surface is characterised by large, crystalline forests. It would be beautiful if it weren't for the massive Separatist fleet inching toward us.

My legs were beginning to ache with physical exhaustion as Anakin and I run toward the enemy fire with clones at our side. The ground was shaking with the heavy steps of the Separatist artillery while blue and red blaster fire flew around us in all directions.

This is not going to end well.

"They're back!" Anakin calls to Obi Wan, who was running slightly behind us.

"I told you this victory was too easy. We never should have sent the ship back for supplies." Obi Wan scolds us both.


"It wasn't our idea to send the ship back." I remind him.

Obi Wan turns away from us as dozens of clones reach our position.

"All right, men. Second wave incoming." He announces to the clones.

"Rex, you and your men follow us." Anakin orders.

We run off while Obi Wan is directing his battalion. My focus shifts to the growing onslaught of the Separatist fleet before us. The super battle droids are looking more menacing than ever.

Explosions are wreaking havoc all around us. If we don't act quickly, there may no longer be a planet left for us to save.

After several minutes of dodging blaster fire through the battle zone, we find ourselves standing on top of a high structure that looks down on the violence unfolding. I watched as clones were shot down where they stood.

I hated not helping them.

Anakin's stern gaze was focused on the ground below. I know that face. He's planning. 

"Ready to jump?" He asks through the force.

I quickly survey the distance from our position to the ground. It's a long way down but that's what makes it exciting.

"Of course." I reply.

"What's our plan of attack, Sir?" Rex asks.

Anakin looks to me. I nod, indicating that I was prepared.

"Follow us." Anakin says authoritatively.

We exchange another glance to each other before jumping from the platform, doing multiple flips on our way down. We land on top of spider-like droids and the clones shoot them from the ground. Anakin and I deflect the heavy blaster fire coming toward us.

"What a plan." I groan.

"Hey, I didn't see you suggesting anything." He retaliates.

The blaster fire from other droids like the ones we were standing on begins to increase. We swing our lightsabers quickly to deflect the heavy blaster fire.

"Time for aggressive negotiations." Anakin smirks.

Simultaneously, we begin to slice the droids while jumping between them. They were falling much quicker than I expected. I guess that's one of the perks of having shared, seemingly unlimited power between us.

I quickly glance to the ground to see the progress of Obi Wan. He seemed to be doing just fine. His form and technique was superb, as always, and he looked effortlessly handsome. I shake the thoughts out of my head as I remember that I am both married and in the middle of a dangerous battle.

Anakin and I manage to finish off the larger droids. We jump off the one we were standing on and take cover alongside Obi Wan.

"We're gonna need reinforcements." Anakin says, as if it weren't already blatantly obvious

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now