Chapter 47

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Since arriving back from Mortis a few days ago, the five of us have been relatively distant. Ahsoka, Obi Wan, and Cal all believe it was merely a shared vision through the force and Anakin does not remember most of it. The only person who is fully aware of everything that happened is me, and that is a burden I must carry. 

I remember watching the life drained from Ahsoka. I remember watching the Daughter die as a result of my choices. I remember fighting my husband who was consumed by the dark side. These are all memories I will never be able to forget.

Truth be told, I haven't spoken to Anakin that much since we came back to Coruscant. I've lied to him each night about feeling unwell and somehow have convinced him to leave me alone. The Father, the Daughter, and my future self all warned me about staying with him. I am simply taking some time to determine what is right for me. 

During this time, I had to collect my new robes. I have sported black robes similar to Anakin's for as long as I can remember. After our time on Mortis, however, I feel like the dark tones no longer suit me. I switched my old colour for light robes reminiscent of Obi Wan's.

I can't explain it, but it just feels right. The lighter tones help me to feel more connected to the ways of the Jedi than my typically darker ones.

I have plans to see Fives, Echo, and Rex later in the day to discuss how they feel the men are going with this war. Until that time, there are other things I must do. People I must see. The first on that list is on the other side of this doorway.

"Thank you for seeing me." I say as I enter the large office space before me.

"Of course, (Y/N). Please, take a seat." Chancellor Palpatine replies.

I walk into the place characterised by red tones and old artefacts. The bustling city of Coruscant evident behind his window is a view I have always loved. It calms me every time I come here.

"Are you okay, my dear?" He asks kindly.

"I don't really know, Chancellor." I sigh. "I just need some guidance."

I truly do need guidance. I have no idea what to do. Part of me knows that I must keep what I learned on Mortis a secret from everyone for the greater good. The other, emotional part of me begs to tell the truth. Even if I don't inform the Council, I long to tell at least Anakin.

"Hypothetically, let's say you were told something that concerned the person you care for most in the galaxy but promised not to tell them. Would you go against that promise?" I ask, not even attempting to be subtle. 

For the briefest moment, I swear I can see the small trace of a smile linger on his lips. I must be imagining things. A response like that in this situation would be absurd.

"Of course I would. They deserve to know the truth." He replies genuinely.

There is too much certainty in his voice. He is a politician and a powerful one at that. This response is not at all what I had expected. It doesn't seem right.

"Even if it could put people in danger?" I ask.

"The key to that question is 'if'. The Jedi have a flaw of only showing you one side of the spectrum. There is a whole other path you could follow."

Confusion floods my mind. This is the Chancellor, he of all people should know the good the Jedi do. How he could be so negative toward our morals astounds? Apart from that, what makes him believe the Jedi are the problem here?

"The Jedi teach us to do what is right." I argue. "There is only one path."

"That can depend on your point of view. I assure you, (Y/N), the Jedi make mistakes."

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