Chapter 70

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With the added factor of the Separatist droidship, we have no choice but to intervene. Anakin, Fives, Rex, and I have been assigned on the mission, and we are being transported there in a shuttle piloted by another clone.

"Generals, you are nearing the coordinates where we lost contact with the shuttle." Admiral Yularen's voice transmits.

"We can see it." Anakin confirms.

Pieces of the shuttle are scattering throughout the reaches of space and anything still attached is badly damaged. I'm holding onto hope that some survived but I fear that hope may be futile.

"It doesn't look good." I add.

Rex and Fives join Anakin and I at the window we are observing from. We all take a moment to examine the sight, trying our hardest to find anything of use to us.

"Looks like some buzz droids got on the hull and opened it right up." Rex identifies.

I'm all too familiar with the impact they can have on a ship. Not too long ago, Anakin almost died because of buzz droids. If it weren't for Ahsoka, I don't know what would have happened. I really wish she were still here now.

"Strategically, this attack doesn't make any sense." Fives says.

"Agreed." I acknowledge. "My guess is they were after something. Something like Tup."

The Separatists had no other reason to attack the fleet of shuttles. There's nothing unusual they contained apart from Tup, and if it were a mere attack, they would not have left the shuttle so intact. They needed something from it. 

"I'm going over there." Anakin mutters, already starting on his way.

"I think you meant 'we're' going over there." Fives counters.

Anakin has a habit of choosing to do things alone, and my instant response is always to tell him that he's not alone. I guess this happens so often that those close to us have picked up on it too.

"Someone's been learning from me." I smirk.

"A little too much." Anakin groans.

Anakin and I put on space suits to allow us to stay alive while we travel to the destroyed shuttle. Rex and Fives, however, do not need this due to their armour. At times, I do wish I had clone trooper armour of my own. At least then I wouldn't need to wear a ridiculous space suit.

Anakin holds my hand while we travel from our shuttle to the destroyed one before us. It isn't far from us, but I still appreciate the close proximity of my husband during the short journey.

Once we are inside, the first thing that catches my attention is the red emergency light. This quickly draws my gaze to the dozens of men of the 501st who were ruthlessly killed.

I float over to multiple of them, checking for any hope of a pulse. There's nothing. The droids killed them all without mercy.

"Over here." Anakin calls. "This is Tup's gurney."

I make my way to Anakin, arriving just short of Fives and Rex. I'm eager to finish our investigation here soon, for we don't know if threats are still present onboard.

"The restraints are cut." I point out. "What could they possibly want with him?"

I knew they were after Tup, but that doesn't mean I understand it. The ambush is only solidifying our theory that the Separatists were the ones responsible for it all.

"It doesn't make sense for a bunch of clankers to take a clone alive." Rex states.

"They must be responsible for whatever's happening to him." Fives adds.

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