Chapter 32

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I have seen General Grievous before through holo-transmissions and other sources, but never have we met face to face. He is menacing, yet does not quite live up to his terrifying reputation. 

"General Grievous," I muse. "I must say, I thought someone as gruesome as you would be...taller."

"And I thought a Jedi would be smart enough to avoid a tractor beam." He scoffs, taking a step toward me.

I admit, he does have a point. I probably should have seen this coming.

"Well, I can't be the brains, brawn, and beauty now can I?" I retaliate.

I need to keep Grievous talking until he is close enough for me to engage my plan of attack. Taunting him seems to be the best way to achieve this.

"You fool yourself, Jedi." He remarks, stepping a few meters forward.


"This is quite the ship you have here, Grievous." I smirk. "It's a shame you're such an incompetent captain."

He growls angrily as he storms in my direction with two battle droids at his side.


He continues his heavy footsteps toward me.


I channel the force to complete a high and extended jump over General Grievous and the two battle droids beside him. Unable to resist the temptation, I flip a few times before sticking the landing. I then use the force to push Grievous and the droids into the ship.

I rigged the ship to explode before getting out. That's one of the things I've learnt from Anakin since we fell in love. His words were "I want you to be prepared for anything". It seems that particular lesson has come in handy.

My timing is perfect, as the bomber explodes within seconds. Grievous gets flown out slightly and the rubble of the ship piles on top of him.

I briefly turn my head to the corridor where Cal is waiting. He's gone, telling me he understood the massive explosion was the signal. I've bought Cal a bit of time. If he weren't onboard the ship right now, I would use the force to fully implode it.

Dozens of battle droids enter the docking bay. Half of them are focused on extinguishing the flame with hoses that they cannot control. I decide not to worry about them, they are a bigger threat to themselves than to me. The other half have blasters and aim all of their fire at me.

I hastily unclip my lightsaber from my belt, activate it, and assume my battle stance. This is going to be fun.

I charge toward the battle droids while deflecting incoming blaster fire from all directions. Some of the blasts are deflected back to their source, the others hurtle into other parts of the ship. I slice at the remaining droids until there are no others standing. Once they are all taken care of, I make my way toward the rubble in which Grievous is buried.

Suddenly, I find myself unable to move. I'm trapped within the boundaries of some form of energy.

A ray shield. How did I not see this coming?

Another wave of B1 battle droids enter the docking bay and surround the ray shield in which I am trapped. I deactivate my lightsaber and reattach it to my belt. I've gotten myself into quite the mess.

Before me, General Grievous breaks out from the debris atop of him. There's nothing quite as terrifying as Kaleesh-turned-cyborg rising up from charred rubble.

"That was quite a performance." His victorious monologue is interrupted by his treacherous coughing.

"Might want to get that checked out." I smirk, "It sounds as though a chest plate has damaged your lungs."

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