Chapter 80

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We walk hand in hand into the medical centre where we are welcomed by a twi'lek receptionist. I am not required to give any details at first, which is a relief, and am instructed to take a seat in the empty waiting room.

The longer we sit here waiting, the more anxious I grow. My life could change depending on the results I receive. Having that information at the centre of my mind is not something I take lightly. It is overwhelming.

After sitting silently in the area for what feels like a lifetime, a female, human doctor approaches us. She is older than I am, possibly double my age. Despite living in the lower levels of Coruscant, she appears to be very glamourous.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Fisher" She greets us. "Which of you ladies requires medical assistance today?"

"That would be me," I reply.

"Please, follow me," She says.

Padme and I stand up from our seats and follow the doctor. The weight of the galaxy on my shoulders seems to become heavier with each step I take. I don't know how long it will be before I succumb to the strength.

As we reach the door leading to the main area of the facility, Doctor Fisher stops us. She looks between Padme and I and raises a neatly arched eyebrow.

"Sorry, but you'll have to wait out here." Doctor Fisher says to Padme. "We only allow immediate family behind this point."

I give Padme a panicked look. I cannot do this without her. I need her here with me. If I'm separated from her during this time, the slight stability I have will be gone.

"That's okay," Padme pauses. "I'm... her wife."

Padme's ability to think on her feet is why I needed her to come here. Her cover is perfect, and this skill of hers will undoubtedly be beneficial during this process.

"My apologies," Doctor Fisher says without questioning the matter further. "Please, follow me."

"Come on, babe," Padme says.

She willingly guides us to the room for my medical assessment. If things continue to run this smoothly, I won't have anything to worry about. That truly is all I want.

When we're in the room, Padme and I take a seat on the chairs provided while we await further instructions from Doctor Fisher.  The silence in the room is deafening.

"Your name?" Doctor Fisher requests.

I can't give her my real name. Chancellor Palpatine has made two Jedi names very common throughout the galaxy during the Clone Wars. Those names are Anakin Skywalker and (Y/N) (Y/L/N). For those in the Republic, we are war heroes who fight with honour and integrity. If I say my true name, this doctor is likely to know I am a Jedi. 

"Ani..." I pause while I think of a way to distinguish my fake name from the real name of my husband. "Ani...Kestis."

I mentally slap myself in the face for my stupidity. Of all the names in the galaxy, why did I combine the nickname of my husband with the last name of my Padawan?

"And you?" She asks Padme, seeming unfazed by my name choice.

"Ahsoka Kestis." She answers without hesitation.

Padme is one of the smartest people I have ever met. She is a Senator in the Galactic Republic and was the Queen of Naboo before that. With her life experience, I have no idea how she could not come up with a better alias.

"Ani and Ahsoka Kestis..." Doctor Fisher trails off as she searches her datapad. "Strange, there's no record of you on the Coruscant database."

The issue didn't cross my mind before I came here. A fake name isn't going to show up in the Coruscant database. We need a plan b.

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