Chapter 50

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I'm thawed from the carbonite on what I assume to be Lola Sayu– home of the Citadel. I drop to the ground upon stepping out of the carbonite mould, feeling incredibly weak and dizzy. My mind is still too foggy from the freezing process for me to properly gain my balance. Luckily, a firm hand grips my upper arm and helps me to my feet. Although blurry, my eyes can make out a slight figure.

"Ani?" I ask.

Just as I say this, my mind seems to snap back to reality. Why did I have to call him that? He hates it when people call him by his nickname from Tatooine. As he said to Padme a couple of years ago, he is not a child.

"Ani, huh?" He smirks.

I groan in frustration as a response. I'm way too out of it right now to have a proper conversation regarding my own stupidity. Luckily, the awkwardness of this situation is cut short as the others are thawed from the carbonite. The first person I notice is Ahsoka.

"Hey snips." Anakin says.

"Hey Master." She replies groggily.

It isn't until she speaks that Anakin and I both seem to come to terms with the fact that she is actually here. Call me crazy, but I'm fairly certain we gave her and Cal specific orders to stay on Coruscant.

"I must have carbon sickness because I could swear that's Ahsoka." Obi Wan says upon appearing behind us.

"Your eyes are fine. It's Ahsoka's hearing that needs help." Anakin says angrily.

It appears Cal didn't follow Ahsoka here, so I take the opportunity to brag. Occurrences like these are rare, and they bruise my husband's pride quite substantially.

I laugh slightly, "Well, how does it feel to have a Padawan that doesn't listen?"

Anakin's frustrated face turns into a smug smirk. I don't like where this is going.

"Ask yourself." He replies.

I turn around, knowing there is going to be something, or rather someone, waiting for me. I flinch slightly upon seeing my own Padawan standing on the same ledge beside the sulfur river of Lola Sayu.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan.

"Hey, Master." Cal mutters.

I reluctantly turn to Anakin, who is wearing his victorious smirk. As attractive as it is, I am not pleased to see it. He's definitely going to use this entire scenario against me.

"Well?" Anakin starts. "How does it feel to have a Padawan that doesn't listen?"

"Shut up." I say playfully.

If I don't break my gaze away from Anakin right now, I fear we may both lose control and kiss in front of everyone. At this point, I don't think any of them would be surprised if it did happen. Regardless, we have a job to do.

"Why are you both here?" I ask, turning my attention from Anakin. "If I remember correctly, we specifically told you not to come.

"We received orders to join the team." Ahsoka starts. "I thought you knew."

"Orders? From who?" Anakin demands.

"We discussed it with Master Plo." She explains.

When I was a Padawan, Master Plo would often encourage me to do things different to how Master Ti suggested. I don't think he ever intended for me to actually go through with his advice, but of course I did. It used to drive Master Ti crazy. Now that I'm experiencing it, I am beginning to understand why she would get so mad.

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