Chapter 69

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It has been three months since Cal and Ahsoka parted with the Order, and we have since heard nothing of them. We don't know if they're alright or if they're even still on Coruscant. I would be lying if I said it has been easy.

We encounter the usual feelings of sadness every now and then, especially on missions. It's hard to remember the good times with them and all the fun jokes we once shared when we know the circumstances of their departure.

The time apart feels like an eternity.

There have been tears from us both as we struggle to come to terms with it all. Learning to let go of the anger we have for the Council and the guilt we each possess is a work in progress, but I am hopeful we will get to that point eventually.

That feeling of loss is present today here at Ringo Vinda. Republic forces are yet again facing the brute power of Separatist droids. The difference is that this time, it's on a space station encircling an entire planet. Given the size of the area, it has been a difficult battle thus far.

Anakin and I have been tasked with leading the best men of the 501st against the onslaught present within the station itself. We have been inside the place for several rotations now, with neither us nor the Separatists gaining any ground.

Due to the fact that we no longer have the added strength of our Padawans, twin Jedi Masters Tiplee and Tiplar are aiding us on the mission along with members of their battalion. Their presence has aided us quite significantly. 

Our flank is currently fighting in a corridor filled with battle droids. Anakin and I are doing our best to lead the team forward with minimal casualties. At this stage, things aren't looking great for either side.

"Push forward!" Anakin orders the clone troopers at our backs.

Anakin and I force our way forward, deflecting as many blasts as possible from our men. As their rate of fire increases, so does our haste in protecting our flank. I try my hardest to take out every threat before it can harm our men, but my position makes it difficult to keep eyes on everything.

"Fives! Watch out!" I hear from behind me.

I quickly turn around, neglecting my current duty to search for my friend who sounds to be in danger. Instead of seeing a horrific scene, I see Tup push Fives out of the way of blaster fire heading toward him.

Tup gives him a hand off the ground and I quickly run back to their position.

"Are you men okay?" I ask.

"Yes, General." Fives answers. "I can always count on Tup to have my back."

Fives is close to every one of the members of the 501st. Tup just happens to be one of the men he is closest to. I have noticed over time that the two of them always have each others backs.

I give them both a nod before running back to the front to rejoin my husband. As long as they are together here, they will both be safe– that much I am sure of. Their strength comes from their trust, and their trust comes from working as a team.

Through the combined power of mine and Anakin's lightsabers and the 501st's blasters, we manage to collectively take out each of the droids in the corridor.

Once we get to the end, we reach a door that should lead us to the location of the others. Anakin opens it with the Force, beating me to it. Upon walking through, we see that Masters Tiplee and Tiplar are already there waiting along with their men.

A few of the men begin to rest a little, which is well deserved. I have to resist the urge to collapse onto the floor and take a nap in the middle of the battle. I may be much fitter now than I was two years ago, but that doesn't mean I can handle this much physical activity.

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