Chapter 3

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I my eyes flutter open in annoyance as I realise it is already morning. I sigh in disapproval as I get up and shower, and put on my dark Jedi robes in preparation for the day ahead. 

My mind travels to Anakin and what happened. I can't help but smile at the thought of travelling to Naboo with he and Padme.



I run out of my quarters and toward the elevator to take me to Padme's apartment. I am out of breath by the time I get inside. With my fitness level, I don't think I will ever be a Jedi Knight.

After a few short moments of catching my breath the elevator doors open, revealing an amused Anakin.

"I told you not to sleep in." He teases.

"Yeah, thanks Skywalker " I emphasise his surname, knowing that it annoys him. 

"Did you sprint here?" He laughs. I only glare at him, not wishing to admit my disorganisation.

Padme then greets us, showing she is ready for the long journey ahead. Together we walk from  her apartment to a speeder bus bound for the freighter docks. Captain Typho, Dorme, and Obi Wan meet us there. Padme speaks alone with Dorme as Obi Wan pulls Anakin and I aside.

"Both of you must stay put on Naboo. Do not attract any attention" Obi Wan warns. His eyes showed signs of concern, but I couldn't tell if it was for me or Padme. 

"Yes Master" Anakin bowed

"(Y/N)," Obi Wan directs his attention to me. "Make sure Anakin does absolutely nothing without checking in with me or the Council"

Anakin's eyes widen in betrayal and I have to fight the proud smile forming on my lips. It was fun to know that after all these years Master Kenobi saw me as more responsible than Anakin.

"You have my word, Master Kenobi" I bow.

Obi Wan glances between the two of us, as though ashamed that the fate of a galactic senator lies in our hands; the arrogant Chosen One and the awkward Jedi Padawan. He turns his attention to Padme.

"I will get to the bottom of this plot quickly, M'Lady. You'll be back here in no time" Obi Wan says to Padme

"I will be most grateful for your speed, Master Jedi" Padme replies with a shaky voice. Her gaze turns to Anakin and I. I can sense her unease toward the situation.

The speeder bus comes to a stop.

"Time to go" Anakin announces.

"I know" Padme smiles weakly. She gives Dorme a final hug before exiting the speeder bus with us.

"May the force be with you" Obi Wan calls out as we begin to walk away

Anakin briefly turns around "May the force be with you, Master"

A blue and white astromech droid awaits us as we enter the spaceport. It beeps excitedly when it notices Anakin. 

"Hey Artoo!" he beams excitedly as he crouches down and pets the droid.

"Artoo?" I ask.

"He's my droid. We've been through a lot together" he smiles. It was cute to see Anakin so attached to a droid.

"Hi there Artoo" I smile as I attempt to introduce myself to the droid.

He beeps something I cannot understand.

"I agree with you, buddy" Anakin smiles as he looks at me

"What'd he say?" I ask. My gaze switching between Anakin and Artoo as I wait for someone to explain.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now