Chapter 46

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I waste no time lowering my speeder through the hole and land on a piece of rock inside. The heat of the lava filling this place is horrific.

Upon getting off my own speeder, I notice Anakin's parked on the other side. Either this is a good sign or a bad omen.

"Anakin!" I call, desperate to find him.

There is no verbal response, instead he walks out of the shadows. Although he has only been in my line of sight for a mere moment, I can feel something is horribly wrong.

"Anakin?" I repeat. "Are you alright?"

His eyes leave the ground and meet my own. The calm, loving eyes of my husband that I go to whenever I need comfort are gone. Replaced by the clouded evil of the Son. Shadows cover the skin below his once blue eyes like a mask. All that is left is the darkness of Sith yellow.

"There has been a change of plan." Anakin states.

He uses the force and pushes my speeder into the lava. It falls through the orange surface with a splash. Out of all the things he could have done to prevent me from leaving, he had to go through with the dramatic option of destroying my speeder.


"Really?" I ask with disbelief. "Did you really have to push my speeder into the lava?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but you will not understand what I have to do to end the Clone War." He explains.

The Son has done something to him. Shown him something. Anakin's mind is completely clouded by whatever the Son wishes for him to believe.

"Anakin snap out of it!" I urge.

"No!" He declines. "Join me, (Y/N). Together, we can bring peace to the galaxy."

Peace and the dark side do not coincide. The Son does not want peace, he wants anarchy. I will not allow for Anakin and I to be pawns in his little game.

"No. The Son is using you!" I deny.

"I have seen that it is the Jedi who will stand in the way of peace."

The Jedi? This is outrageous. The Jedi are the peacekeepers here. We aren't even meant to be fighting the war. All the Jedi want is to protect the lives of the innocents until the Republic and Separatists come to a resolution of sorts.

"I will not fight you, Anakin." I state.

Just as I say this, the Son enters the area. Anakin seems to take little notice of this.

"I know." Anakin replies.

He gets onto his speeder and rides out of the Well, leaving me with the Son. The man I know would never leave me alone like this when I could be in danger. He is completely corrupted.

"He's mine now." The Son declares. "And soon, you shall be too."

He cackles maniacally before transforming back into his gargoyle form and flying away.

I try to connect with Anakin through the force but it is no use. The darkness consuming him has seemingly weakened our connection. I can still feel his presence and his power, but it isn't as strong as it normally is.

"Cal, come in please." I say through my comlink.

I must warn them all of what is happening.

"Yes, Master." Cal replies. "What's going on? Where are you?"

"That's a long story. Are Obi Wan and Ahsoka nearby?"

"I'm here." Obi Wan says.

I take a deep breath before continuing. Telling them of what has happened will break their hearts. 

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now