Chapter 25

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It has now been two weeks since Anakin and I were knighted and made Generals in the Clone Wars. In that time, nothing about our lives had changed. At all. Other Jedi have been assigned along with their Battalions on various missions. We, however, are still on Coruscant. It's not that I wish to run blindly into battle, but it would be nice to have something to do around here. Our lack of engagement in the war tells me the Council doesn't exactly trust mine and Anakin's abilities as Knights. 

We spoke with Chancellor Palpatine about this a few days ago when we went to thank him for his input in the decision to make us Jedi Knights. He, too, finds it odd that the Council is keeping us from battle. His words hinted to them being afraid of Anakin's growing powers. I truthfully would not be surprised if this were the case.

Currently I am laying in my bed using the force to hover a small ball above me. Anakin left here a few hours ago to meet Obi Wan somewhere. He said he wouldn't be long. That was well over two hours ago.

My concentration shifts from the ball I was hovering to my connection with Anakin. I close my eyes and focus on his force signature.His presence feels oddly far away from me. He is definitely too far to be in the Temple but not far enough to be off-world. Although I am almost certain he will not be there, I decide it couldn't hurt to check his quarters.

I quickly get out of bed and change into my robes. I left my hair in its usual braid last night to avoid having to redo it this morning. It looks quite untidy but I choose to ignore it. In a time of war, the state of my hair is not important.

I walk confidently through the halls of the Jedi Temple toward my husband's quarters. If we weren't just promoted to co-generals, I would have been much more cautious of walking to the Chosen One's quarters. It normally would look very suspicious, especially if I end up being there for an extended period.

As I reach the door, it occurs to me that I've never actually been inside Anakin's quarters. Since we've been married, he has spent almost every night in mine. Never the other way around. Considering the fact that Jedi quarter's are always mostly empty, I don't expect it to be any different to mine.

The door opens before me and my jaw drops open in both shock and annoyance. Anakin's quarters are filled with...stuff. From a multitude of crates filled with unknown items, to podracing posters, to a workbench. My simple, sparsely decorated quarters were beginning to look more boring than I originally thought.

I'm definitely going to be spending a lot of my nights here.

I walk over to his workbench to see he is working on some sort of droid part. It's cute that he works on things in his free time.

A small model of a Jedi starfighter catches my eye. I pick it up and admire it. From the quality of the model, I assume that Anakin was the one who made it.

"Why are you in my quarters?"

I jump at the sudden sound of Anakin in my mind. He probably thinks I'm creepily snooping through his possessions. I quickly put the model starfighter back where I found it.

"A little privacy would be nice." I reply.

"Privacy? This is coming from the one who snuck into my quarters." His tone is both sarcastic and defensive.

"I wasn't snooping, I swear."

I cannot hear him laugh, yet somehow I that's exactly what he was doing.

"Sure sure." He sighs.

"Where are you?" I ask, "I came here to find you."

"The docking bay. I was hoping you could meet me there. It's important, I promise." He says.

The docking bay? That's a fair distance from Anakin's quarters. I didn't realise our mind connection could span this far. We may very well be able to communicate with one another from anywhere in the galaxy.

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