Chapter 6

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Today seemed to disappear in a blur. After eating the dessert prepared for us and talking a little, we each went to our separate rooms. I guess the constant fear of death surrounding our every action is more exhausting than I thought it would be.

It's now long past sundown so I assume Anakin and Padme are sleeping. I have been lying awake for hours while my mind remained occupied with thoughts of Anakin. Knowing I won't be able to rest my mind for a long time yet, I decide to get a snack.

It's surprisingly cold here now, especially without the added warmth of my usual Jedi robes. Right now I'm only wearing my night clothing. Sure, it is still incredibly modest and warm but it doesn't have the excess layering of my typical clothing. Slowly, I open the door to exit my room. For some reason, I feel an unnecessary kick of adrenaline as I creep through the dark hallways of the lodge. It hits me how boring my life must be or me to get a thrill out of sneaking around for food.

I make my way toward the fireplace and light it in a desperate attempt to warm up the freezing room. The fire creates a calming light and subtle warmth. I sit on the couch before it and reach to take a piece of fruit from the bowl on the table beside me.

Just as I'm about to grab it, the fruit seemingly moves a few inches. I rub my eyes in case my sleep deprived self is starting to see things. Did a piece of fruit really move before my eyes or am I genuinely losing my mind? The latter seemed like the most probable explanation.

I reach for it again and this time I'm certain I see it move. I look at the piece of fruit with utter shock. How is it possible that it is moving? I move my face closer to the object on the table beside me, examining it closely.

"Are you...alive?" I ask the clearly inanimate object in a hushed whisper. Part of me is curious and the other part concerned.

A muffled laugh then starts behind the couch. I throw my head back in embarrassment. I should have known.

"You should've seen your face!" Anakin chuckles but not too loudly so as to not wake Padme. He clutches his stomach as he continues to laugh.

How did I not sense his presence? Any Jedi should be able to do that, especially one who shares a weird force connection to him. I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy to see him but I also felt like a complete idiot for what he just saw me do. I really like Anakin and I just spoke to a piece of fruit in his presence. I turn my body to face him as he walks to the front of the couch and sits down beside me. By that I mean he throws himself back and falls into it as he continues to laugh.

Suddenly, I have a brilliant plan. It normally would not work under regular circumstances, but I figure my amplified strength in Anakin's presence may give me an advantage.

"You did not see me talk to the fruit" I wave my hand before his face and channel the force.

Anakin swats my hand away from his face playfully.

"I'm a Jedi, (Y/N), that's not going to work." He chuckles.

"Worth a shot." I sigh heavily and lean back into the couch, hoping I will be swallowed by it.

"You can try it on the fruit if you want." He mocks. I already know I will never hear the end of this.

"Must you always be so childish?" I ask with a sarcastic tone.

"I may be childish," he agrees "but at least I don't talk to fruit."

I pick up the cushion beside me and whack him in the stomach with it. This only makes him laugh even harder. Unable to contain it any longer, I join in with his laughter. I have done so many stupid things in his presence these last couple of days that he probably thinks I'm crazy.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now