Chapter 65

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We run to the entrance of the military base, where we are instantly stopped at a security checkpoint. Anakin tries to explain the situation to Commander Fox in an attempt to let us see Ahsoka, but it's no use. He will not disobey his mandate.

"I said my Padawan is in there. Now, step aside." He growls with furrowed brows.

"General Skywalker, Admiral Tarkin has ordered that no one be allowed in there." Commander Fox reasons.

Anakin clenches his fist at his side and begins to lift it upward. The sheer force behind the movement is causing his hand to tremble.

I can't provide him with the physical comfort he needs right now, so I instead send calming waves of energy to him through the Force. Although he is still beyond angry about everything, he does loosen the tight fist he had clenched.

"I don't care what she's accused of. Let me in." He spaces out the last words with a threatening tone complete with whacking his hand against the protective glass separating us from Fox.

Two clone officers standing behind us activate their electro-staffs and move forward. Anakin's actions, if they escalate much further, could be considered an act of treason against the Republic and Chancellor Palpatine's authority. Regardless of his emotions, he needs to calm down.

"Sorry, Sir. The admiral's orders stand. This is now a military operation and under his jurisdiction." Fox explains.

Anakin steps backward slowly, shoving the two clones slightly in the process. He is angry, beyond angry, yet somehow he is managing to hold himself together.

He and I storm outside to think of a new way to see Ahsoka. When we get close to our speeder, however, the figures of three very familiar people appear. One of them is shorter than the other two who are geared up in clone armour. They are Cal, Rex, and Fives.

"What are you three doing here?" I ask, slight anger and hostility present in my tone of voice.

"Ahsoka is in trouble, Master, I wasn't going to leave her alone." Cal explains.

I shift my gaze to Rex and Fives and raise an eyebrow at them, waiting to hear whatever their reason is for being here. I know full well that they were not given orders to come, which means they did it on their own accord.

"Commander Kestis told us what happened and that he was coming to check on her. We needed to know for ourselves that Commander Tano was okay." Rex tells me.

"Your support would have meant the universe to her if we were actually allowed to go in." Anakin growls.

"Fox?" Fives asks, to which I give him a slight nod. "Yeah, he's one of those men who obeys orders no matter what."

"Clearly." Anakin mumbles, his voice barely audible.

He continues toward the speeder we "borrowed" and climbs inside. Although the others arrived on a separate Republic speeder, they agree to join us on the trip back. In times like these, we are better off sticking together. As Obi Wan said on Mortis, "we'll be fine, as long as we stay together".

As we are flying away, I feel a severe disturbance in the Force. Fear, grief, and pain begin to hit my heart all at once. The familiarity of the feelings indicates that they are coming from Ahsoka. She's in trouble.

"Anakin," I start.

"I feel it too." He whispers, his voice struggling to remain strong and clear during this time.

He slams his foot on the brake of the speeder and spins it 180 degrees without any prior warning. As I am connected to him through the Force, I am prepared for the move. Cal, Rex, and Fives, on the other hand, do not have the opportunity to brace themselves. I have to stifle a laugh as they groan about the piloting skills of my husband.

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