Chapter 95

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Although we have only just been reunited, I once again find myself separated from Fives. I wish we could've stayed together throughout all of this, but it wasn't a reasonable goal. He needs to save the Younglings and I need to save my family.

Minutes have passed since we went our separate ways, and truthfully, I don't know what to do from this point. It doesn't matter which direction I travel in, Anakin's Force signature only grows weaker. Every sign is pointing toward a painful truth; Anakin is behind this attack.

No matter what I get told or what sign is thrown at me, I don't think I'll ever be able to admit it. Anakin is a good man; he isn't capable of such darkness. I will never be able to believe that the kind, charming man that is my husband could do something like this. 

Anakin certainly has his flaws in terms of his choices to act on impulse, but he couldn't do something like this. He wouldn't. He couldn't be responsible for what has happened to Master Plo, Master Ti, and every other Jedi that has died. 

As I think about the deaths I have felt throughout the galaxy, a gut-wrenching feeling takes over my body. I've felt the deaths of many Jedi today, including plenty of people that I hold dear. There are two people, however, that I haven't heard anything from; Cal and Ahsoka.

They technically are no longer Jedi, but something tells me that fact won't be enough to keep them safe. This plot, whatever it may be, is well thought out. Cal and Ahsoka could be seen as a threat to its success, and that will be reason enough to eliminate them.

Regardless of the threats surrounding me in the Temple, I need to contact them. I need to know that they are okay, or at least inform them of what's happening. They are part of the family I have formed within the Jedi Order, and I cannot bear the thought of leaving them helpless and unknowing. 

I take my holopad out of my robes and attempt a transmission to Cal. I'm safer doing this out in the open rather than inside a nearby room. At least here I can see what's coming my way and work to avoid threats to my safety.

The transmission doesn't connect, just as I had feared. I know they're alive, but I haven't the slightest idea what they are going through. All I know is that they are on board a Republic Cruiser destined for Coruscant, meaning they have nowhere to hide. If the orders spread to Rex and the 332nd, the clones may be forced to kill them along with everyone else.

"Cal, I don't know if you'll ever get this message, but I had to try," My trembling voice starts.

It is possible to leave holo-messages for someone to look at later, so that is what I am currently doing. I have no chance of connecting to Cal at this point, but I need to get this message to him. I have to be hopeful that he will look at it at some point, and that it will be enough to keep him and Ahsoka safe. 

"The clones have turned on the Jedi. I don't know if their orders include you and Ahsoka, but I'm hopeful it doesn't," I add, struggling to find my words.

It physically pains me to utter these words. Life has changed so much since I first joined the order. Life was once simple, with the protection of peace being the main priority of every Jedi. With changing times, our new objective is to survive.

"The time of the Jedi has certainly passed and the future will remain uncertain, but I need you to be brave. Don't come to the temple looking for me, and don't let Ahsoka look for Anakin. We will be okay," I lie through my teeth.

I hate that I had to say this, but it was necessary. If either Cal or Ahsoka thought we were in trouble, they would not hesitate to risk their own safety for us. I can't allow that, especially with the growing uncertainty of it all.

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