Chapter 54

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We take a large piece of cloth from one of the clones' backpack and wrap Master Piell's body in it. We are going to give him the ceremony he deserves. The ceremony all Jedi deserve at the time of their death.

"We don't have much time. Let's take this moment to honour him, then we must move on. He would have wanted us to complete our mission." Obi Wan says.

Anakin, Obi Wan, and I stand together at the front of the group, just before his body. We each close our eyes, summon the force, and lift Master Piell's body to the lava river. We gently lower him into it, allowing him to have the ceremony all Jedi should have.

Tears fill my eyes as his body floats downstream to the drop a few metres away. I didn't know him that well, but I know he meant a lot to both Master Plo and Master Ti. They are two of the strongest mentors I have had in my life, and it pains me to know that they have lost someone close to them.

Anakin places a hand on my shoulder, "We need to keep going, (Y/N)."

I quickly blink back my tears and nod in agreement. There's no time for emotions right now. There's never time for emotion anymore. We need to get out of here.

We continue with the small remainder of our group along the lava bank. This part of Lola Sayu is more menacing than the others. Spike-like rocks stem from the ground on both sides of the path, threatening to impale anything unlucky enough to get caught in them.

Within a matter of minutes, the extraction point finally comes into sight. Of course, it is in the middle of the lava river. It frustrates me that nothing on this mission is ever an easy task.

"There's the extraction point." Obi Wan announces.

Anakin and I exchange a glance, already knowing what the other is thinking. We run up two of the spikes pointing toward the small island at the centre. We each fire a cable in the direction of the island, and they securely lock in place. The only way for our team to get across the lava is by climbing over the cables.

Rex and Tarkin are the first two to travel across the lines. They make it over the molten lava river with ease and are closely followed by the remaining clone officers we rescued earlier. We may just make it out of here.

Rex looks off into the distance, "Incoming!"

We turn to where he is pointing to see more STAPs quickly gaining on our position. Most of them are manned by droids but there is one controlled by another being. The appearance of him matches the description Obi Wan gave us of the one who runs this plan. Osi Sobeck.

Again, why is everything so hard on this mission?

I ignite my bright, blue lightsaber and immediately begin to deflect the blasts from the STAPs away from the men. As he is closest to me, Fives happens to be the one I am protecting the most.

As the droids inch nearer and nearer to us, I decide it is time to turn to more aggressive measures. From the smirk on my husband's face, I know he has the same idea. Anakin and I each manage to slice through a droid and take over its STAP. We fly with one hand and slice through droids with the other.

From above, I see that Fives managed to knock Osi Sobeck off his speeder, and Tarkin is quickly approaching his position. After ensuring that there are no other enemies incoming, I land my STAP alongside Anakin.

Tarkin begins shooting at the vile creature. Sobeck manages to block most of them, but not quite all. After once blast hits his flesh, he retaliates by using his brute strength to fight Tarkin.

"If I can't have the information, it will die with you!" Sobeck yells with a poisonous voice.

He holds Tarkin above his head and prepares to throw him into the lava. Anakin and I both start running toward him, but we will not be fast enough. Instead, Ahsoka runs up behind Sobeck and impales him through the chest with her lightsaber. Cal uses the Force to catch Tarkin before he can fall into the lava and lowers him to the safety of the ground. Sobeck screams in pain for a brief moment before he passes on.

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