Chapter 63

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Anakin and I search around the hangar for a little while longer before we finally decide to extend the ground of our investigation. It's pointless continuing the search in here when there are no leads in sight.

We agree among ourselves that our best bet is to meet up with Cal and Ahsoka in the medical wing to see if they have come across anything of importance.

With each person we pass on our way to the hangar, the intense feelings of anger continue to grow. Nobody knows who to trust anymore. Whoever was responsible for this attack has definitely succeeded in turning the people against the Jedi, and fellow Jedi against each other.

"We need to prove that it wasn't a Jedi, otherwise this hostility is never going to stop." Anakin sighs.

Since our conversation regarding the likelihood of a Jedi being behind the attack, Anakin has become much more unwilling to believe it. I think the implications this would have on our entire way of life has finally begun to sink in. He knows it is probable, but does not want it to be true.

"Yeah, we do." I agree.

We enter the medical wing of the Temple where we find Cal, Ahsoka, and Russo. The three are huddled together, observing something on a device in Ahsoka's hands. Hopefully their investigation has been more successful than ours.

"Did you find anything?" Ahsoka asks, her eyes eager to hear what we have to say.

"No, but the rumour about it being a Jedi is growing." Anakin frowns. "The anger and confusion throughout the Jedi Temple is becoming unbearable."

I can feel the pain radiating from my husband as he says this. His faith in the Jedi Order has been slowly deteriorating since the Clone War first began, as has mine. The reason this new obstacle is weighing so heavily on Anakin is because the limited remaining faith he has in the very thing he has devoted his life to is threatening to fade away.

"We have a lead." Cal announces. "One of the Temple workers, Jackar Bowmani, is believed to have been the perpetrator."

Ahsoka brings up a hologram of his profile, showing us what he looks like. From the rough outline of his features shown on the identification card, I can confirm he is an Abyssin.

"One of the witnesses saw him in the area where the bomb exploded right before it happened, and we have not been able to find him anywhere." Russo explains.

Anakin takes the holopad so he and I can observe the image more thoroughly. I don't know what else he expects to find within this rough outline of Jackar, but I will not question it if it makes him feel more comfortable with the situation.

"Come on." Anakin scoffs. "Nobody just disappears."

My mind immediately wanders to the thought of Maul. After the Mandalore plot, he disappeared completely with no sign of when he would return. Although I hate to admit it, Anakin's words are flawed.

"Unless it was well planned out." Russo suggests.

"He has a point, Anakin." I contribute.

"It had to be well planned out to get past Jedi. I'll talk to security." Anakin states.

I clear my throat to gain Anakin's attention. It is honestly a little insulting that he is still unable to remember that he and I are a team after all this time.

"We'll talk to security." He corrects himself.

We dismiss ourselves from our Padawans and head toward the front of the Temple; an area where we can sense great unrest. Anakin attempts to engage in conversation on our way there, only I can't bring myself to be fully attentive. My mind is occupied by thoughts of this explosion and the inconsistencies we have already come across.

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