Chapter 2

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7 years later...

Today marked the first time in a long time that I have had the opportunity to be involved in anything exciting. I mean anything. There were plenty of missions for Padawans and their Masters to complete, but they often went to the duo containing the Chosen One.

Master Ti and I were riding the elevator to the room of Senator Amidala. There had been many attempts on her life as of late and the Jedi have been tasked to protect her. Just an hour ago was the latest attempt. The Jedi responsible for her safety did not seem well equipped for the task from what Master Ti had told me, so we have been assigned to check on the situation. Apparently one of them jumped out of her window and flew off into Coruscant while dangling from a droid in an attempt to protect the Senator.

As we draw closer to the floor of Padmé's apartment, I begin to feel a familiar presence. I begin concentrating on the force signature, desperate to determine who will be there upon our arrival. Despite my focus, I cannot work out who it is.

"Is something bothering you, my Padawan?" Master Ti asks. Her calm gaze doesn't drift from the elevator doors before us.

"No, Master Ti. I just," I sigh "I thought I could feel a familiar presence"

"Patience, (Y/N). You are very strong with the force for your age but you do not want to push yourself" she explains. Master Ti is incredibly wise and attuned with the ways of the force, but this is sometimes a downfall for me. At times I feel she doesn't quite understand me.

Thankfully the elevator comes to a halt before I need to say anything further. The doors opened to reveal Senator Padmé Amidala talking to the unforgettable Gungan, Jar Jar Binks. Their conversation is cut short when she notices our arrival. Part of me knows she used it as an excuse to stop him from speaking.

"Master Ti, how wonderful it is to see you again" Padmé gushes as she walks over to greet us. Despite nearly dying no more than an hour ago, she is incredibly warm and welcoming. It amazes me how beautiful she still looks after such a stressful ordeal. Her hair and nightgown still in perfect condition.

"It's been too long M'Lady." Master Ti gestures toward me "This is my padawan, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

"It's a pleasure M'Lady" I bow to her gracefully.

"Lovely to meet you" She smiles "Although I must say, this place is becoming overrun with Jedi"

I look around the room trying to find these other Jedi she was speaking of.

"I don't see any–" I am cut off as two male Jedi enter the room bickering among themselves. Both are incredibly handsome, a Master and Padawan I assume. The older of the two looks quite familiar.

"Master Kenobi, young Skywalker" Master Ti announces.

The temperature within the apartment seems to increase dramatically at the mention of that name. I haven't heard it in quite a while.

"Skywalker?" I gasp, not meaning to actually say it aloud.

The younger of the Jedi makes eye contact with me. I immediately recognise those deep blue eyes. I kept by my pledge to stay away from him– I have not made any contact with Anakin since I first met him 7 years ago. I also never spoke to anyone about the insane rush of power I managed to channel that day. There were many times I had seen him and felt that familiar urge to be closer to him. Yet every time, I ignored it. I could not risk both of our careers as Jedi.

Although I must say, he has become incredibly handsome.

"(Y/N)?" he smiles.

I nod my head, trying to control the ridiculous smile threatening to take over.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now