Chapter 74

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It has been a full year since Cal and Ahsoka parted ways with the Order, and subsequently nine months since we lost Fives. It has been the hardest year of my life.

The full mourning period of Fives has not yet passed. I can function as normal and participate in daily life, but I still have my moments of grief. Whenever something funny happens on a mission, I always turn to tell him. The problem is, he is never there. His loss is also evident on days when I just need someone to talk to. The absence of his kind and warm personality is something I will always feel.

Although he's gone, I know he still walks with me.

In terms of the war, things are not going the way we had hoped. It has now been three years since the beginning of the Clone War, and the Republic does not yet seem close to victory. I started this fight when I was nineteen years old and I'm now twenty-two. Unfortunately, I fear this war will progress much further into my life.

The Separatists are greatly increasing their level of firepower throughout the outer rim. As a result, the Jedi Council has needed to send out many of their best Generals to handle the situation. Master Plo is travelling to Cato Neimoidia, Master Aayla Secura is on Felucia, and Anakin, Obi-Wan, and I are here on Yerbana.

To handle the battle as effectively as we possibly can, we decided to separate the 501st and 212th. The purpose of this was to terminate the threats evident in different areas to benefit the innocents of the planet.

Our men have been effective in taking out the typical battle droids while Anakin and I have kept our focus on the spider droids. Those things are strong and a little difficult to take out compared to the other classes of droids. Being as strong as we are in the Force, it hasn't been too much of a struggle.

There are only three spider droids left, and Anakin is already handling one. I spin my lightsaber hilt in my hand, take a deep breath, and sprint toward the one nearest to me. I then spring myself upward to land on the top of it, wasting no time in thrusting my ignited lightsaber through its head. 

The droid topples onto the ground, and I use its now fallen body to smoothly slide back to the ground. This is one of those moments where I feel quite proud of myself for not falling over.

Not long after, I begin to hear grunting coming from my left. A spider droid has knocked Anakin to the ground, separating him from his lightsaber and preventing him from using the Force. My emotions take many different paths during the first few seconds of witnessing the scene. At first, I'm angry that anyone has dared to hurt my husband. This, however, quickly fades into a feeling of grief and I have to force myself not to cry.

I push aside my strange emotional instability and begin focusing on the situation. I'm too far away to slice it with my lightsaber, so I need another plan. After briefly scanning the area, I know what to do. I use the Force to summon a nearby blaster to my hand and quickly aim toward the eye of the droid. If I aim it perfectly, I'll take out the threat.

I trust in the Force as I pull the trigger, resulting in the blast hitting exactly where I intended it to. I push the droid backward with the Force to avoid it landing on top of Anakin.

When I'm certain the threat is eliminated, I rush over to my husband's side. I offer him a hand off the ground as he remains there recovering from his encounter.

"I can always count on you to save my skin," He remarks.

"Someone's gotta do it," I reply.

He takes my hand and slowly pulls himself off the ground. His long, grown out hair falls over his sweaty face, and I take it upon myself to push it back for him.

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