Chapter 55

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Today marks yet another day off. Obi Wan is off world on Umbara along with the 501st and 212th. Anakin and I were there for a brief period, but we were urgently called back to Coruscant to see the Chancellor.

We reluctantly agreed to temporarily relinquish command of the 501st to Master Pong Krell and returned to Coruscant as requested. Chancellor Palpatine's "urgent" request for us to return was in regard to a threat on his life. He wanted Anakin and I to be the ones protecting him. It turns out, the threat wasn't real and instead a waste of our time. 

The Council decided not to send us back to Umbara, so we have been on Coruscant for a few days. We haven't heard anything from the men since we departed Umbara, so I am assuming all is going well.

Today, we're refining our lightsaber abilities. We've been in the dojo for at least two hours now, practising our skills individually. Most Jedi are off world fighting battles, so the place has been empty all day. I am currently stretching my tired limbs in the corner of the dojo while Anakin practices his form against different projections of blaster fire.

As his wife, I believe I have earned a few entitlements. One of these is being able to observe him while he engages in activities such as these. Between his tall, muscular build and his incredible skill, it is quite the sight to take in. Upon noticing me staring at him, Anakin deactivates his lightsaber and walks over to me.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asks arrogantly.

"Always do." I reply. "Your skills, however, are a little rusty."

The look of genuine shock on Anakin's face is hilarious. I make jokes like these all the time after training, and he always has the same response. It never gets old.

"Oh really? I say we duel." Anakin suggests.

"Duel?" I repeat.

I am very much for this idea, though I will not admit it straight up. My skills easily match Anakin's but it is always a helpful tactic to throw him off a little from the start by thinking I will not be overly competitive.

"Yes." He smirks. "Unless, of course, you're afraid I'll win."

There's that Skywalker arrogance again. It's not that he actually thinks he'll win, it's that he knows antagonising me like this is a guaranteed way to get me to agree.

"You're not stronger than me, remember?" I say. 

"We'll see." He teases.

I ignite my lightsaber at my side and place it in front of me as I engage in my battle stance. Anakin does the same, engaging in a dramatic x twirl in the process.

"Come on, then. Fight me." I antagonise.

He smiles playfully before running toward me and clashing his lightsaber against mine. The meeting of our blue blades is quite symbolic, really. The two parts of the Chosen One prophecy, connecting their blades as a representation of their undying bond.

We disconnect our blades and push each other backwards at the same time. It would seem that we have picked up on each other's tactics to the point where our fighting style is almost the same. After all, we do use the same form of combat.

"Hurting your pride, Skywalker?" I ask, holding my blade in a blocking position.

"I should be asking you the same question, Skywalker." He retaliates.

In the competition of our duel, it completely slipped my mind that we're married. Any insult I construct from his, rather our, last name can be reflected back on me.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now