Chapter 97

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I managed to contact Arthree on our way to the rooftop of the Jedi Temple, prompting her to meet us all there. As planned, Fives arrived on the rooftop, where he picked up Obi-Wan, Grogu, Arthree, and I. The second we were all inside, our journey to Mustafar officially began.

Obi-Wan and Fives have spoken amongst themselves during the flight. After everything that we believed happened with Fives, there is certainly much to talk about. While they've spoken to each other, Arthree has been on babysitting duty with Grogu, who is sound asleep.

While I love the company of everyone on this ship, I could not bring myself to speak during the journey. I wanted to contribute something to their conversations, but I simply could not form the words. With so much on my mind, I've lost the capability to function as I normally would.

Although I wouldn't admit it to either of them, I'm enduring an inner conflict between anger, guilt, and denial. Whatever Anakin is going through, it is partly to do with me. I can't help but be angry with everyone who has led to his downfall, I feel guilty for not stopping him from progressing down this path, and I am still desperate to deny it all.

After what feels like a lifetime of travelling, the ship finally comes out of hyperspace, and the red, hellish planet of Mustafar is revealed before my very eyes. I haven't been here before, but I've heard what it's like from Anakin and Ahsoka. 

The two of them came here during a mission involving Cad Bane and Force-sensitive younglings. I remember their eery, chilling descriptions of the planet. From what they said, the terrain is the epitome of the dark side; lava, imbalance, instability, hell.

My hand hovers above the control board in the ship, but I cannot find the strength to press anything. The moment we land on Mustafar will signify the loss of the life I had. Whether I manage to save Anakin or not, there is no denying that our relationship will be tarnished. I don't have the strength to willingly put myself through that pain, especially now that our children are part of the equation.

Fives unexpectedly comes into the cockpit and sits in the co-pilot seat beside me. He flips the necessary control switches without saying a word, and the Naboo ship begins its descent into the atmosphere of Mustafar. 

I'm afraid, and that's an emotion I'm not overly familiar with. The unfamiliarity of it makes it difficult for me to act in a way that would typically be deemed as normal. I want to thank him for his help, or at least smile, but I find myself incapable of doing so.

My brother places his hand over mine, prompting me to meet his gaze. I can see the concern for me in his eyes. He knows how much I love Anakin, and he is fully aware that my family means more to me than anything. That knowledge means he has some idea of how much this is hurting me.

"You're going to save him, (Y/N)," He reassures me.

Fives has always believed in me. Whether I'm following through with a chaotic mission tactic or struggling to control the three children of the 501st (Cal, Ahsoka, and Anakin), he always has faith that I will succeed. That kind of encouragement is what I desperately need, but it still doesn't feel like enough.

"I hope you're right," I reply. "Because I don't know what I'm going to do if I fail."

I slowly pull my hand away from his grasp, knowing that this sentimental moment will make me cry if I allow it to continue. Besides, this ship isn't going to land itself, and we all know that I'm the best pilot here.

I call out to Arthree, who quickly rolls into the cockpit. She plugs into the computer terminal and activates the landing mechanisms for the ship. I may not have the other half of my soul with me, but I do have the greatest co-pilot in the galaxy.

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